Get Grounded

Latest Episodes
#45: Toni Nagy | Dance Is My Antidepressant
Toni Nagy is a creator whose unique embodied style challenges people to think, move and grow outside the box. On- and offline, Toni combines her backgrounds in comedy and dance to tell interpretive st
#44: Emilia Garth | Voice Activation, Kanikapila, People Pleasing, Spiritual Growth & Sacred Performance
Through her crystalline voice, Emilia Garth creates healing journeys weaving music and meditation. Of Hawaiian heritage, she is based in South Florida and shares her gifts around the world. She collab
#44: Spending Time Alone
Note: This episode came out pretty quiet, so listen before bed (: or turn the volume up. So many of us are uncomfortable spending time alone. We might feel scared, bored or resistant to the idea. Spen
#43: Tanai Milgram | Authentic Self-Expression in Relationship
Tanai Milgram is a Women’s Intimacy and Empowerment Coach who helps women build the confidence and courage to express themselves unapologetically in their relationships. I love this woman, and I admir
#42: Body Check-ins
Learn the practice of body check-ins to connect more deeply in relationship with yourself and others. Cultivate calm with this embodied practice, which only takes a moment. Find more wellness, embodie
#41: Kristelle Boulos | Capturing Intimacy and Soulful Connections, Creativity and Self-Care
Kristelle Boulos is a visual storyteller, capturing intimate & soulful connections around the world. On this episode of Get Grounded, she shares her story, from photographing special moments on the st
#40: Compassion
Practice empathy and compassion with yourself and in your relationships by showing your inner child love.
#39: Oren Shai - Slowing Down and Being in the Body
Listen to my conversation with Oren Shai to learn how you can practice slowing down and being in the body, and the impact this practice can have on your well-being and your relationships. Oren is a so
#38: 3 Techniques for Grounding in the Body
Let go of thinking, tune into feeling. Practice grounding in the body with these 3 techniques.
#37: Water Yourself First (Poem)
A sweet poem about the importance of self-care in the context of supporting others.