Get Grounded

Latest Episodes
#36: Breath As An Anchor (Guided Meditation)
Allow the breath to be your anchor as you ground in the body, feeling present. Listen to this relaxing guided meditation as you drift off to sleep.
#35: Sick and Being
Sick? Take time to rest and recover. Let this be a gentle reminder to give yourself permission to take time off.
#34: The Power of Breath in Relationships (Poem)
Listen to and practice this simple poem to improve the quality of your relationships.
#33: Attention to Surroundings (Exercise)
Take a moment to notice your surroundings. Tame stress by gaining an appreciation for everyday things in this short exercise.
#32: Heather Van Tassel | Concussions, Meditation, Neuroscience and Nature
Heather Van Tassel is a Data Scientist and Health Coach, specialized in Concussion work and informed by a background in Biochemistry and Neuroscience. In this episode of Get Grounded, Heather shares h
#31: Courage and Bravery in The Face of Uncertainty
How can we be brave when we don’t know the outcome? How can we act courageously despite fearing the unknown? Learn practical tips to develop courage and bravery in this episode, inspired by the events
#30: Mindful Breathing in the Park (Guided Meditation)
Enjoy the sound of chirping birds in the park during this 5-minute guided meditation.
#29: Anxiety Meditation (Guided Meditation)
Anxiety can feel like a ball of stressful energy built up inside us. Release that energy and relax in this episode with breathing exercises, body awareness and gentle guided meditation.
#28: Acceptance (Guided Meditation)
Pause, breathe and accept. Such is the rhythm of this episode's mindful guided meditation.
#27: 2 Minute Breathing (Guided Meditation)
We all get busy. There is a lot going on. Take 2 minutes to take a break from everything, and just breathe.