Chartable is Shutting Down: Blubrry Podcast Statistics is the Best Alternative for Podcasters

Are you searching for a reliable Chartable replacement? With Chartable announcing its shutdown effective Dec. 24, 2024, tens of thousands of podcasters are scrambling for a new podcast measurement service. This is your chance to regain listener privacy and a superior option that respects your data and audience: Blubrry Podcast Statistics.

Why Choose Blubrry as Your Chartable Alternative?

  1. Pioneers in Podcast Analytics Since 2006
    • Blubrry has been at the forefront of podcast measurement for nearly two decades, offering unparalleled expertise and stability in an ever-evolving industry.
  2. Trusted by Over 45,000 Podcasters Worldwide
    • Our community includes a diverse range of podcasters who rely on Blubrry for accurate and insightful analytics.
  3. IAB-Certified Statistics
    • Blubrry’s statistics are certified by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), ensuring your data meets industry standards crucial for attracting advertisers and sponsors.
  4. Unwavering Commitment to Privacy
    • We prioritize the privacy of both podcasters and listeners. Blubrry never sells, shares, or re-markets your podcast data without your explicit written permission. Your content and audience remain exclusively yours.
  5. Comprehensive and Actionable Insights
    • Go beyond basic download numbers with detailed analytics on listener demographics, geographic locations, device usage, and episode performance. Use these insights to grow and monetize your podcast effectively.
  6. Seamless Transition in Under 5 Minutes
    • Switching to Blubrry is quick and hassle-free. Our straightforward redirect prepend allows you to continue using Chartable until they shut down while integrating Blubrry’s robust statistics.
  7. Support for Independent Podcasters
    • Founded by podcasters for podcasters, Blubrry champions independence and creative freedom. We empower you with tools that enhance your podcasting journey without locking you into a restrictive ecosystem.

Don’t Compromise on Privacy or Control

Spotify’s closure of Chartable may be an attempt to consolidate control by pushing podcasters onto their platform, which has been criticized for monitoring listener habits and using that data for profit. At Blubrry, we believe in your podcast, your data, and your audience.

We stand for:

  • Transparency: Clear policies about how your data is used.
  • Privacy: Protecting listener information and respecting their rights.
  • Independence: Giving you full control over your content without hidden agendas.

How to Make the Switch to Blubrry

Transitioning to Blubrry Podcast Statistics is simple and takes less than five minutes:

  1. Sign Up for a Free Blubrry Account
  2. Implement the Redirect Prepend
    • Follow our easy step-by-step guide to add the Blubrry redirect prepend to your podcast feed. This allows you to collect data immediately without disrupting your existing setup.
  3. Explore Your New Analytics Dashboard
    • Dive into your Blubrry dashboard to access comprehensive statistics and insights that help you understand and grow your audience.

Need Assistance? Our dedicated support team is here to help you every step of the way. We will guide you through the transition process and answer any questions you may have.

Act Now to Secure Your Podcast’s Future

Don’t wait until Chartable shuts down to find an alternative. Switch to Blubrry today to ensure uninterrupted access to vital podcast analytics.

Get Started with Blubrry Podcast Statistics Now

By choosing Blubrry, you’re opting for a trusted, privacy-focused platform that puts you first. Join the thousands of podcasters who have made the smart switch and continue to confidently grow your podcast.