Promoting your podcast on Apple Podcasts (formerly iTunes Podcasts)

Promoting your podcast on Apple Podcasts

Promoting your podcast on Apple Podcasts (formerly iTunes Podcasts)

Apple Podcasts is the 800 pound gorilla for podcast discovery. There are other important podcast directories, like Google Podcasts, but Apple Podcasts is the big kahuna. Below are a few ideas for promoting your podcast on Apple Podcasts.

  • First, make sure your podcast is submitted to Apple Podcasts (formerly iTunes Podcasts). We have a fantastic (and very thorough) step by step guide on how to submit your podcast to Apple Podcasts. Be sure to check it out.
  • Now that you’re listed on Apple Podcasts, make sure to follow the Apple Podcasts Identity guidelines. Because getting a quick win by gaming the system could result in long-term pain.
  • A little empathy goes a long way. Think like a listener: if they were to listen to your podcast on Apple Podcasts, what is the most important thing they’ll take away? Make sure that is super obvious from both your title and your show notes. That way, when they find you on Apple Podcasts, it’ll be easier for them to feel confident in clicking play and discovering your unique view on the world.
  • Don’t overcorrect: when you first learn to drive a car, and the vehicle is heading toward the other lane, it’s common to jerk the steering wheel back too far in the other direction. This is called overcorrection. And it’s common in other arenas as well, including podcast promotion. So, the next time your podcast stats show a jump or a dip in listenership, don’t overcorrect. Make sure you understand how to analyze your podcast stats.
  • Don’t get caught up in the hype: New and Noteworthy, which should actually be called New OR Noteworthy, can’t be gamed the way you’ve been told. Shows grow at their own pace, and a short lived spot in that list won’t make or break your show.
  • Spread the word: tell your friends, family, colleagues, and random strangers on the Internet. Ask them to leave reviews. Ask them to share links to their favorite episode(s) of your podcast on Apple Podcasts.


Looking for more ideas to promote your podcast? You. Are. In. Luck! Blubrry has a handy manual for promoting your podcast.