The Essence Of Freshness

Probably the number one question sent our way when people are looking at Blubrry for the first time is, “What makes Blubrry different from other podcast directories?”

The first thing I tell them is that “We’re not a directory. We’re a community.” So what’s the difference? A directory is a place where you drop your podcast and run. There’s a low level of interaction. There are few tools for podcasters and their audiences.

So in addition to tools like MyCast, Juice It, and the Blubrry pop-up player we also feature fresh content. Right now we have about 1300 podcasts in the community. Fifty percent of those shows have produced an episode or added a new post within the last week. Seventy-seven percent have produced an episode or new post within the last month.

What do these numbers mean to you? If you’re a content producer it means that your show is a lot less likely to get lost in the shuffle of inactive podcasts when people are searching for content. If you are an audience member seeking news, entertainment, or education you are more likely to find content that is relevant and recent.

We invest time in getting to know the content on Blubrry because it makes for a better experience for everyone. In short, we believe that “Fresh is good.” Now, why not take a moment to go and check out our freshest podcasts.