Write Now with Sarah Werner

Write Now with Sarah Werner

Latest Episodes

Fail A Lot - WN 018
July 20, 2015

I'm going to give you some advice that you probably don't hear very often: FAIL A LOT. In fact, the more you fail, the more you'll succeed. Here's why.

Your Professional vs Creative Self - WN 017
July 13, 2015

Are your professional & creative selves ever at odds with each other? How does that affect your writing? And how do you find a healthy balance?

How to Make Writing Fun Again - WN 016
July 06, 2015

Remember when writing used to be fun? Or better yet, satisfying? Re-ignite the spark and douse the shame with this week's podcast episode.

Why Is It So Important For Writers To Read? - WN 015
June 12, 2015

"Reading is essential if you're going to be a writer." You've heard it from teachers and fellow writers and books on writing. But WHY? Here's 8 amazing benefits writers get from reading.

Creating A Space For Writing - WN 014
June 06, 2015

What is your perfect writing environment? And is that where you do your best writing? Why do we take our writing environments so seriously?

7 Ways to Write Yourself Out of a Corner - WN 013
May 19, 2015

You've written yourself into a corner and you have no idea how to fix it. Well, being in the corner sucks, so here are 7 ways you can try to get out.

My 8 Favorite Writing Tools – WN 012
May 05, 2015

In which we explore some great writing tools, caffeine addiction, unhealthy pencil obsessions, and (bonus!) Jane Austen's homemade ink recipe.

Finding Your Voice - WN 011
April 27, 2015

What is this elusive element we call a voice? And how do we go about developing our own?

Writing Is Our Passion - WN 010
April 19, 2015

You're passionate about writing. But the word "passion" means "to suffer". What does that mean for us as writers?

Say Yes to Writing - WN 009
April 01, 2015

There are only 24 hours in a day. So saying "yes" to writing often means saying "no" to other stuff. Fun stuff. Important stuff. And that's hard.