Write Now with Sarah Werner

Write Now with Sarah Werner

Latest Episodes

Coffee Break: Matt Paulson
October 02, 2015

I talk with my good friend Matt Paulson about his publishing platform, blogging, email marketing, and how he wrote a book in 18 days.

My 10 Favorite Books - Part II - WN 025
September 27, 2015

There's always a reason behind why your favorite books are your favorites. Here are the next 5 on my list -- and why.

Coffee Break: Mad Like Alyce
September 25, 2015

We chat with blogger Mad Like Alyce about both the creative and technical sides of blogging. Tons of great info for beginning bloggers!

My 10 Favorite Books - Part I - WN 024
September 24, 2015

We all have our favorite books. Here are the first 5 of my top 10, complete with why I love them oh-so-much.

Coffee Break: Barbara Kyle
September 17, 2015

A truly delightful conversation with the author of the Thornleigh Saga about crafting a real page-turner.

What Does Success Look Like For You? – WN 023
September 09, 2015

Success is something that we all daydream about but rarely give any serious thought. But it is possible, if you plan for and work toward it. Here's how.

Was I Meant To Be A Writer? - WN 022
August 30, 2015

When you wonder whether you were "meant" to be a writer, whose mandate are you following? This week's episode will help you answer this tough question.

How To Defeat Writers' Block - WN 021
August 24, 2015

Writers' block happens to most writers. Here are some ways you can fight back.

Truth In Fiction - WN 020
August 09, 2015

Some people say "Writers are liars." But I think that all writers, especially fiction writers & poets, are the penultimate truth-tellers. Here's why.

7 Reasons You Need A Writing Mentor - WN 019
July 28, 2015

A mentor might be the best thing that ever happens to you as a writer. Here are 7 reasons you need a writing mentor -- and how to find one.