Write Now with Sarah Werner

Write Now with Sarah Werner

Latest Episodes

Coffee Break: Vanessa Blakeslee
December 21, 2015

The marvelous Vanessa Blakeslee and I chat about character agency, subconscious stew, and the impetus behind her first novel.

Creating In A Time of Destruction - WN 031
December 13, 2015

Destruction is deeply tied with loss and grief and pain, but it's a reality we as writers have to deal with and respond to. Here's how.

Coffee Break: Kate Dyer-Seeley
December 03, 2015

Author Kate Dyer-Seeley and I fight a spazzy Skype connection to bring you a conversation about writing cozy mysteries for a modern era.

Letting Go - WN 030
November 29, 2015

Letting go is one of the hardest things a writer has to do. Here's how to let go of perfectionism, ego, control, & more -- graciously & gracefully.

Writing With All of Your Senses - WN 029
November 23, 2015

I'm back from my mission trip to Jamaica, my friends. And I have several stories and writing insights to share with you. It's all here in episode 029 of the Write Now podcast.

Coffee Break: Abraham Allende
November 18, 2015

Language has been a central part of Bishop Allende's career, from teaching high-school French to broadcasting Cleveland Indians games under the name Allen Davis. And he continues to speak, teach, and write professionally today -- though now it's from t...

My Writing Retreat - WN 028
November 15, 2015

I've spoken with many writers over the years about the merits of a writers' retreat. But what good can a short-term retreat do? Find out in this episode.

NaNoWriMo and You - WN 027
October 25, 2015

NaNoWriMo is a marathon for writers. The challenge: write a 50,000-word novel in 30 days. It's insane, but fun, & a great way to form a daily writing habit.

Coffee Break: Dave Booda
October 22, 2015

Dave Booda of the Darken the Page podcast chats with me about the pros and pitfalls of the creative process and our shared love of writing.

When Life Kinda Sucks - WN 026
October 19, 2015

Sometimes things like illness, depression, toxic people, and bad situations at work can get the best of us. So what's a writer to do?