Write Now with Sarah Werner

Write Now with Sarah Werner

Latest Episodes

Give Yourself Some Grace - WN 038
March 14, 2016

My deep, dark secret is that often I don't like myself very much. I never feel like I'm *enough*. If you feel like this, you might just need some grace.

Coffee Break: Kaitlyn Mirison
February 29, 2016

In this beautiful and moving episode, Kaitlyn talks about finding the permission you need to write, going against well-intentioned advice when necessary, making peace with your inner critic, and discovering your self-worth & value as a person.

De-Clutter Your Life So You Can Write - WN 037
February 23, 2016

Balance, clutter, distraction, scheduling, & grace collide as we answer the question: "What needs to happen for you to sit down, focus, and write?"

The Pressure To Be Great - WN 036
February 15, 2016

Today's episode is about how to deal with and respond to pressure in a way that creates positive outcomes (inspiration) instead of negative outcomes (crippling fear & doubt).

Coffee Break: reShoUNn Foster
February 05, 2016

Today I'm talking with writer reShoUNn Foster, who is working to invigorate Detroit with the art of words through her Hip n Zen in the Northend project.

Coffee Break: Deane Barker
January 27, 2016

A great conversation with nonfiction author & web content management veteran Deane Barker about being "friendzoned" by your dream, editing fatigue, & more.

The Power of a Writers' Group - WN 035
January 22, 2016

Belonging to a writers' group can have some amazing benefits. Avoid the pitfalls & make the most of your writers' group with today's episode of Write Now.

Feeling Like A Fraud - WN 034
January 14, 2016

Sometimes our doubts get the better of us. Sometimes we listen to the voice that asks, "Who gave YOU permission to be a writer?" Here's how to fight back.

Do I Need A Website? - WN 033
January 04, 2016

Many writers wonder whether they need a website. Today I'm answering that question & providing tips on creating a solid online presence.

Your New Year's Writing Resolution - WN 032
December 27, 2015

This year, make (and keep!) a writing-centric New Year's resolution with these 8 simple tips.