Write Now with Sarah Werner

Write Now with Sarah Werner

Latest Episodes

How to Write When You Don't Feel Like Writing - WN 008
March 21, 2015

It can be incredibly hard to write every day. But I've found a way to make myself write (and write well) even when I don't feel like it. Find out how in this week's podcast.

Who Is My Audience? - WN 007
March 11, 2015

You want people to read and like (and buy!) your novel/book/etc. A great way to do that is to write stuff that people want to read. But who are those people, and how do you engage them?

Walk It Off - WN 006
March 03, 2015

Dumpster diving. Mall walking. A 19th-century transcendentalist. Oh yeah, and how going for a walk can help free you from writers' block.
