Into the Living Room: Behind-the-Scenes of a Lifelong Learner
Latest Episodes
Winging It: Episode 16: With Love, To My Younger Self
A love letter to my younger self.
Winging It: Episode 15: Life is Messy
On our road trip out to our new home, I started thinking about the idea that life is messy.And, the more I thought about it, the better I felt. Then, I met author Michael A. Singer, and it all starte
Winging It: Episode 14 | Bit by Bit, Drop by Drop
My family and I are settling into our new digs (new city, new state, new job, new preschool). It's been a lot, but after three months in our new home, we finally feel like we are finding our footing. Bit by bit, drop by drop, we are making it work.
Episode 13: Jump
We jumped—and it has turned out to be one of the bigger jumps of my life. I've always been one who is up for the ride, but for this ride I've really had to buckle-up. I have moved a lot in my life, and I’ve changed jobs before, but for some...
Winging It: Episode 12: Small Town vs. Big City
I love big cities and I love small towns. I see the benefits of both. What is best for my son? What is best for my family? What is best for me? I explore this and more in Episode 12—Small Town vs. Big City.
Winging It: Episode 11: Go Live Your Life, Man
Recorded at a local diner, I realize it is not about the search, but about the living.
Winging It: Episode 10: The Magic of a Boring Evening at Home
The backdrop of my life has been muted by the recent world events. I had a planned a different theme for this episode, but after what happened last week in Orlando, my thoughts and heart have been focused only there. At times like these, I recall a...
Winging It: Episode 9: Turn Your Brain Off For Awhile
For me, I know when life gets extremely busy—too busy where my priorities get out of whack—I am the only one to blame. I set my own priorities, and it is my responsibility to protect those priorities. In Episode 9, Turn Your Brain Off For Awhile,...
Winging It: Episode 8: Show Up (Even Without Your Shoes)
Can you imagine learning at two years old, that you have the power within yourself to be happy? I want to teach my son this. In Episode 8, Show Up (Even Without Your Shoes) I revisit balance in my life and how I continue to struggle with what's...
Winging It: Episode 7: Life's Big Questions
I've always been intrigued with the big questions in life. Why are we here? What happens when we die? Do we all have a purpose? In Episode 7, Life's Big Questions, I explore these questions with individuals who have already lived a full life. I also...