Wilde About Woo

Wilde About Woo

Latest Episodes

The 3 COVID Personality Types: How you're showing up in this time of Coronavirus, and how we can do better
April 10, 2020

Which COVID-19 personality type are you? Today's episode is almost a bit of a quiz for you - define your personality type, and how you're reacting to Coronavirus... and then find out how you can show up as a better human being for yourself, and those...

Every COVID Cloud: FIVE silver linings in the Coronavirus nightmare
March 31, 2020

I'm always inclined to focus on my ANXIETY right now - COVID-19 spreading across the world is a frightening time for all of us. It can feel almost apocalyptic. Especially if you're a 24/7 news consumer and researcher like I am! But today's episode is...

It's not the end of the world, but it sure feels like it: My Coronavirus COVID-19 anxiety, and why telling people to stop panic buying isn't working!
March 25, 2020

Today, there's one takeaway from the episode I want you to have  HOWEVER you react to the Coronavirus threat is LEGITIMATE. Your reaction to what's going on in the world is your own. Make no apology for it. In today's episode, I share my fears...

If the bra fits... An interview with Missfits' Charlotte Chiang on body confidence, feminism and finding the 'unicorn bra'!
March 18, 2020

In today's podcast, I want to introduce you to an AMAZING entrepreneur, who is changing how it FEELS to be a woman! Charlotte Chiang is the founder of Missfits, a bra 'matchmaking service'... Seriously, ladies, just like the right life partner, the...

Staying Calm When The World’s Losing Its Mind… How I’m preparing my head for Coronavirus (COVID-19)
March 10, 2020

In today's podcast, I want you to know ONE important thing:  It is PERFECTLY okay to be worried about the coronavirus / COVID-19. You are not overreacting. You are not being 'over the top'. You may be concerned, and not even be experiencing...

Baring Our Wounds: Five ways I balance positivity and authenticity without being a Debbie Downer or a Happy Hillary!
March 03, 2020

I struggle to show up online on the days when I'm not feeling 100%. I want to be authentic and real with my audience, but I also don't want to seem the eternal pessimist! One of Brené Brown's quote is that we should share our scars, rather than...

8 Mental Health Mistakes We're ALL Making... And what to do about them!
February 25, 2020

Are you caring for your mental health in the best POSSIBLE way? Probably not, right?! In today's episode, I share EIGHT things that I'm (aka WE'RE!) doing that are stopping us from moving forward and holding back our growth. I got SUPER passionate in...

Doubt the Doubters: How I learned the hard way, and 10 tips to overcoming your critics and haters
February 19, 2020

In today's episode, we're talking critics... cynics... doubters... haters... trolls... the people who simply don't believe in you or your purpose. I share my experience and reaction to something my mum said about my previous career, and why YOU don't...

The Contribution Compass - How we can give back in ways that also help us feel happier!
February 11, 2020

What can you give to others? Time, money, energy, knowledge? We can all offer something different, and we can offer it to just about anyone anywhere in the world.  I spent years thinking that the only way I was able to give anything to anyone was...

Finding Answers Within: An Interview with Shannon Algeo
January 28, 2020

Shannon Algeo is a yoga and meditation teacher, as well as life coach and motivational speaker. He's been named one of the top '35 Under 35 in Wellness to Watch' by Wanderlust, and hosts the incredible Soulfeed Podcast.  You know how the term...