Wilde About Woo

Wilde About Woo

Latest Episodes

You CAN achieve your 2020 goals: my easy process to set challenging goals without letting your limiting beliefs get in the way
January 16, 2020

When did you last doubt a goal, and changed it simply because you'd convinced yourself it was impossible? This is where our limiting beliefs are coming into play, and getting in the way of us making plans for our future. They're insidious little...

Do what you need to do: A 2019 Achievements Round Up and Looking Forward to 2020!
January 10, 2020

I've been thinking about all I've achieved in 2019, with the podcast, with my relationships, with my physical fitness, with my mental health. There are a lot of 'wins'.  I share how I'm feeling about going into 2020, and all those fears around...

Festively Flourishing! My top ten holiday worries and how to manage them - find peace and balance over Christmas
December 17, 2019

Finances? Food? Family? All of the above - and more 'non F' words? Yup, me too! This time of year can be HARD, and that's why today's podcast is all about how to thrive during this time. I've shared my tips on everything from money management, to gift...

From Victim to Victor: Why our emotional mindset matters to moving forward, and my top ten tips for rejecting labels and growing!
December 10, 2019

"You are NOT the victim". Those words have brought an incredible amount of CLARITY this week: not because I was being a victim (that was just someone's opinion), but because it made me realise I'm nothing LIKE a victim anymore. Remember: sharing our...

Journaling for Joy - How writing has helped balance my mood, and my top 6 tips to start this morning routine!
December 04, 2019

I've been journal-phobic for most of my life. Writing seemed like something that wasn't for me - almost a bit too self indulgent. But I've been practising journalling, since finding SO MUCH scientific research that supports it for managing mood,...

The Plague of Pessimism! The ten ways we can quiet our minds and self talk in the morning and at bedtime
November 25, 2019

"Why are you bothering getting up? The day will go badly anyway," says my brain. Every. Single. Morning. This episode is all about exploring the effects of this negative self talk, first thing in the morning and just before bed. You are not alone, if,...

Happy Un-Birthday - Why I hate my birthday, and 8 things I'm doing to survive it!
November 18, 2019

Are you like me - a birthday dreader? That feeling which surfaces a few days before your birthday, over-reflecting and overanalysing everything you've done (or not) in the past year? We're not alone. Suicide rates increase within 3 days of people's...

Yoga Nidra, the power of the tribe, and why community matters for our mental wellbeing
November 11, 2019

When Jim Rohn said that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with, I think he was wrong.  We are the average of the five people who we ALLOW into our heads - if you're surrounded by toxic people that are not easy to avoid,...

Purpose From Pain - My greatest takeaway from IGNTD Glow 2019
November 05, 2019

I had an amazing time in LA recently, at Dr Adi and Sophie Jaffe's IGNTD Glow event. I heard so many amazing stories - from both onstage experts, and fellow audience members. In today's episode, I share the biggest takeaway: how we can use our pain in...

Are you overwhelmed? How I'm overcoming the pressure of the to do list - my top ten tips!
October 16, 2019

I am a SUCKER for those feelings of overwhelm - they're almost addictive, right?!  In today's episode, I share my recent emotional difficulties with overwhelming feelings, as well as my top ten tips for overcoming them!    Quote of the...