Wilde About Woo

Wilde About Woo

Latest Episodes

DO Fence Me In! How boundaries will improve your relationships, work-life balance , and time management
May 26, 2020

Today, we're talking boundaries, commitments and expectations. These are more important than ever right now, while we isolate with loved ones - or, on the contrary, are isolated away from them.  My husband and I have been working hard on...

Clear As Mud: How to gain clarity and focus around your goals with 5 easy questions
May 19, 2020

Do you have enough focus on your goals? Too much - to the detriment of everything else in your life? (Guilty!) Today's podcast episode is all about finding clarity, and working out whether you have enough of it, how to get more of it, or - and this...

Your Words Matter: Speaking More Authentically To Ourselves
May 14, 2020

I'm as big as a house. I'm so stupid, I'm as thick as two short planks. I have thunder thighs. NONE of these make sense. They're blatantly untrue (how can ANYONE be the size of a building?!), nonsensical (what even ARE thunder thighs?!), or simply...

YOU are in Charge of You! 5 Questions to Remind Yourself You're Still Your Own Person, Even in Lockdown
May 11, 2020

We're frequently hearing about how the government has put us in lockdown, in various countries around the world. While this may be PHYSICALLY true, it's not mentally true. In your mind, you are the one in charge. No one else. Not the government, not...

Reducing Your News Media Consumption Before It Consumes You
May 09, 2020

Good news (pun very much intended!), you do NOT need to be a media junkie! I know that right now we are going through a pretty newsworthy event... BUT when those statistics and stories are doing more harm than good to your mood / mental wellbeing,...

Prioritising Self Care When Others Need You: My 5 step strategy to find time for yourself!
May 07, 2020

In this shortie, we're talking SELF CARE in self isolation. And I hear your "but"... kids... spouses... pets... increasing work demands! I share FIVE steps to find time to care for your mental health, whilst also caring for others. My strategy...

We're All Empaths Now: How we can ALL give back to those in need during this pandemic
May 01, 2020

In today's short episode, I'm sharing ways in which YOU can make a difference to your community right now. Maybe you have time, but no money... Money, but no time... Skills... Or just a kind heart... ALL of these can be used to benefit others, and in...

Being More Gentle To Yourself: 5 questions to ask yourself and reframe your self talk
April 29, 2020

I struggled to share this episode with you... You see, I'm not being as gentle to myself as I could be... I'm guessing you're not either.  In the best of times, we can find it hard to be kind to ourselves, but right now? Wow, whole different ball...

Progress = Stairs Over Slides... Visualising self-development, business goals, and your dreams as steps to success
April 16, 2020

If I asked you to visualise progress, what would you see? For me, it's a staircase, but I recently heard someone describe their progress as 'completing the circle'.... In today's episode, I share why I think a staircase is the PERFECT way to visualise...

Let Your Mind Wander: an easy guided exercise that isn't meditation, mindfulness or woo-woo!
April 10, 2020

Are you a fan of meditation or mindfulness practices? Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not. Right now, I'm struggling to settle into 'proper' meditation, and so I came up with this gentle 'mind wandering' practice. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do -...