Wilde About Woo

Wilde About Woo

Latest Episodes

Taking Responsibility for Growth - How Self Blame Keeps Us Stuck
July 23, 2020

I've let myself DWELL on all sorts of things in the past, either [usually, in my case] believing I was totally to blame for something, or seething with resentment that I had been wronged. The reality is that most events sat appropriately in neither of...

Head vs Heart: My Top 5 Ways to Connect With Your Intuition
July 16, 2020

In the last episode, I shared with you my thoughts on intuition and gut feeling - and why we should be listening to them more!  But I didn't share HOW to tune into that part of yourself, that strange edge between the conscious and...

Intuition Blindness: Why gut feeling might just be as important as our more traditional senses
July 15, 2020

Do you ever doubt your gut feeling? I do All. The. Time. It's like I believe that logic / science / brainpower are always right, and my heart is always wrong.  We trust the more traditional senses, despite knowing we don't all see exactly the...

Become more trustworthy in 5 simple steps: Learn how to recognise online fake news and stop sharing it!
July 09, 2020

How often have you been sent a 'news' story by someone on Facebook, only to KNOW it's factually inaccurate? Trump was right all along: fake news DOES exist. It's just not normally the news stories HE thinks are fake... There are all sorts of reasons...

Prestige Bias: What it is, and why it forces YOU to make bad decisions
July 06, 2020

"With hindsight, that was a bad decision." We've all said that, yeah?  And we've probably been asked by parents, "If X jumped off a bridge, would you do it too?" Annoying, right? But perhaps we are NOT to blame for our desire to copy others, to...

We're a Centenarian: 5 Things I've Learned From Recording 100 Episodes
June 25, 2020

This is a bit of a selfish podcast release. You see, I'm celebrating!! Today marks the release of my 100th episode - a landmark I never expected to reach! The truth is that the Wilde About Wellbeing podcast isn't Joe Rogan's, y'know, Spotify aren't...

Are Us White People Whitewashing Black History - Again?! White Saviorism and the Statues
June 17, 2020

History is written by the [so-called] victors. It always has been. That's why I live in a country FILLED with statues of those who oppressed Black people for centuries. I have no argument in favour of statues dedicated to those who were slavers, BUT...

When Your Home Is Your Workplace: 5 ways to distinguish your weekend from your weekdays, and make time for important things
June 05, 2020

I wasn’t going to post this podcast today, but I realised something important: White people who are saying I DON’T HAVE TIME to educate myself on race issues, like it’s an excuse for saying the wrong thing / continuing to promote their...

Time to Overcome Racism: How George Floyd's death has made me actively anti-racist
June 03, 2020

Before George Floyd's death at the hands of Minnesota police, how ANTI-RACIST were you? I wasn't racist, but I was a hypocrite. I would SAY I wasn't racist, and yet my IG feed and stories didn't really reflect that. I'd rarely comment on black issues,...

Reducing Your Alcohol Intake in Lockdown: 5 steps to drinking in moderation
May 30, 2020

Has your drinking increased during quarantine? Mine has... put it this way, if alcohol were a cure all [spoiler alert: it's not!], I'm never going to get any bug, virus, bacteria right now!  My relationship with alcohol has varied a lot over the...