Wilde About Woo

Wilde About Woo

Latest Episodes

Healing Time: How I reversed my hypothyroidism and pre-diabetes in 5 months
August 27, 2020

Hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, and pre-diabetes caused my physical health to deteriorate. The symptoms associated with being hypothyroid were especially trying on my mental health. Fatigue, weight gain, feeling cold all the time, and hair loss...

Who Are You? A 5 step process to find out your personal core values and ethics
August 21, 2020

In the last podcast episode, we talked about what values mean to us, and how we (and others) are able to shape our own personal values.  We talked about the importance of being conscious of what personal core values we are developing, so in this...

Avoid The Empathy Trap - 5 Ways I Manage My Life as an Empath and Highly Sensitive Person
August 13, 2020

WANT TO AVOID THE EMPATHY TRAP PAIN? Here's how! Being an empath and / or highly sensitive person can be painful, and finding our way through this can be difficult. I have been called stand-off-ish / nosy / trying to live in people's heads etc etc....

Don't Tell Me About The Weather - The pros and cons of being an empath and highly sensitive person
August 12, 2020

ONE MASSIVE PART OF MY PERSONALITY I RUN FROM - my empathy. It sounds kinda silly to be frightened of something that is supposed to [and, indeed DOES] bring about deep, passionate, purposeful connections with people, animals and situations.  But...

The Education of Plants - 5 things they can teach us about personal growth
August 06, 2020

We can find out what our preferential growing conditions are: just like plants, it's possible to determine the best combination of factors for growth. In today's episode, I share my top five things I believe we can learn from PLANTS, in order to...

Just a Glorified Carrot - How our personal development depends on our growing conditions
August 05, 2020

Did you know that you're just a glorified carrot? Like vegetables, we need conditions to be just right for us to grow. Water, feeding, sunlight, temperature, greenhouse vs outside, soil, size of container - plants are fussy little creatures, really!...

Fighting The True Obstacles and Barriers: 5 steps to start changing the world
July 30, 2020

The barrier to change / a great job / decent healthcare / acceptance is never YOU. The barrier is societal patriarchy... white supremacy... systemic racism... culturally engrained homophobia... and so on...  In today's episode, I share the...

YOU Are Not The Issue, Societal Systems and Norms Are: How we mislabel barriers for those who are Black or female or gay or... or... or...
July 29, 2020

"I'm female, therefore I can't get a boardroom job" = being female is the problem. NO!  The barrier is societal patriarchy. "I'm Black, therefore I can't get optimal healthcare" = being Black is the problem. NO! The obstacle is systemic racism....

Taking Responsibility for Our Own Lives: My 5 steps to stop letting your past dictate your future!
July 25, 2020

In today's episode, I'm sharing my APING five step method for moving into a place of neutrality about situations in your past... and using those situations to propel you forward with responsible action! If you haven't listened to the previous episode,...