Wilde About Woo

Wilde About Woo

Latest Episodes

Who IS the boss of you? Ten concepts we can learn from CEOs and business leaders to apply to our wellness journey
May 07, 2019

What do CEOs have in common with those of us on our wellness journey? Quite a lot it would seem!   I discuss how we go about using the tips and tricks of the world's greatest leaders to structure our own lives and journeys towards becoming...

Is your monkey in need of more bananas? The top 5 things I am nurturing on my wellness journey
May 03, 2019

There are a HUNDRED things in my life that I could change up... And it would be GREAT if I could look at them all at once. BUT... I would burn out.  And so I concentrate on a limited number at a time - these are my current top 5, and I'm sharing...

Wednesday Wellness - The Power of Massage, and Why I Get One Every Week
May 01, 2019

Do you know just how many benefits massage has? Lowers blood pressure... raises immunity... increases mental wellbeing... helps stabilise digestive disorders... etc. etc. etc!!    Today's episode concentrates on how massage can be used in...

Did you move my rose-tinted glasses? Memory, experience, and why we remember the things we do
April 30, 2019

In today's episode, we are looking at how we remember certain experiences, and WHY we forget certain parts of an experience and yet lay huge emphasis on others.   Once we've looked at the neurological / psychological biases we all have - you are...

What Did The Number 7 Do Wrong? Top Tips For Decision Making Without Fear And Procrastination
April 26, 2019

What's SO wrong with the number 7? Find out my top tips for fighting hesitation, and developing better decision making skills. Discover new ways to think things through, and to conquer decisions that are driven by fear.    Honourable...

Do you ever feel like a failure? How to reframe mistakes into opportunities and successes
April 19, 2019

What do Edison, JK Rowling, Oprah, Dick Cheney and Dr Seuss have in common? Find out about their failing moments, and how looking at their lives might help to change our own perspective and attitude towards failure and success!   Honourable...

Wednesday Wellness - Intermittent Fasting Science and My Experiences
April 17, 2019

Intermittent fasting has recently become popular, and is a way of eating that dictates WHEN we should eat, rather than the food. It has been found to help with weight loss, diabetes, and other ailments. Here's an audio guide to the science and...

Are you contagious? How behaviours, emotions and viruses spread between us
April 11, 2019

For one of our Friday fast ones, the subject of today's episode is that of... contagiousness!   We discuss how emotion, behaviour and feelings can all be transmitted from person to person...   Honorable Mentions: Instagram:...

Can a shift in perspective change your life? How to foster a positive mindset
April 01, 2019

In today's episode, we focus on perspective, and how we might go about changing it in order to improve our lives. Along with some stories from me, there's also tips on how I go about shifting my perspective.   Schedule: 0-2: Hello 2-12: My recent...

Ever get that 'end of the holiday' feeling? Managing the rough bounce back into reality
March 12, 2019

Today’s episode covers the emotional journey I’ve been on whilst I’ve been in Los Angeles, and looks at how we might feel at the end of a holiday - the rough bounce back into ‘reality’!   Quote of the Episode: “I like adventures, and...