Wilde About Woo

Wilde About Woo

Latest Episodes

Wednesday Wellness - My Experiences With Probiotics, Gut Health, and Mood
May 28, 2019

How many TV ads have you seen advertising the benefits of probiotics? Prebiotics? Phytobiotics? Psychobiotics? Microbiome improvement? Microbiota increase?  All pretty confusing, huh? In today's Wednesday Wellness edition, I seek to clear up all...

Are we nearly there yet? An update on my wellbeing journey, my relationships, recovery, career, exercise, and more!
May 27, 2019

Today's podcast is a bit different to the usual Tuesday deep dive. Today, I'm updating you on my life, and what is and is not working for me at the moment... in terms of recovery, wellbeing, career, exercise, leisure time, relationships and more!...

Friday Fast One - Life is not a highlight reel: how I share on Social Media and why
May 23, 2019

I LOVE to share on social media: my ups, my downs, my inbetweens. Today's episode is looking at why I choose to share everything, and how this compares to many other users of Instagram. I also discuss the discomfort, vulnerability and rawness I feel...

Wednesday Wellness - Why Sleep Matters, and Caffeine Isn't Always Our Energising Friend
May 21, 2019

I am NOT great with sleep routines, or sleep hygiene, or sticking to the things I know help me sleep better.  The research I did for today's Wednesday Wellness episode was as much for me as for YOU! Hopefully this will remind you why we should...

Are you the moth that flits too close to the flame? The problem with passion, how to curate curiosity, and live as a possibilitarian
May 20, 2019

I have had a list of careers as long as my ARM - I flit from job to job like a butterfly. I haven't found my PASSION, and yet everyone from virtually every podcast I listen to, every book I read, and even my own family, tells me that I need to find...

Can marketing fix your mindset? How the advertising swipe file can be applied to inspirational mental wellbeing
May 16, 2019

Today's Friday Fast One focusses on the concept of the swipe file in marketing - a file used to collate inspiring advertisements / text for future use...  I believe this is an AWESOME ideas for our mindsets - something we can look at when we're...

Wednesday Wellness - How To Start Working Out, When You're Intimidated by Exercise!
May 14, 2019

I'm not sure about you, but I feel intimated by exercise - GYMTIMIDATED! It's taken me a hot minute to start exercising regularly, but now I'm starting to see how beneficial it is.  In today's Wednesday Wellness episode, I discuss my own...

Want to be selfish AND build good karma at the same time? How gratitude and giving thanks can improve your mood and mindset
May 13, 2019

Have you said thank you to anyone today? Gratitude has been PROVEN to improve depression and our moods in general! In this episode, I share my top ways to cultivate gratitude, including at times when you just can't feel it! I also offer some great...

How do you get out of a tight spot? My quick tips on scoring the best mentor you deserve!
May 09, 2019

Mentors are awesome - they can help us out of tight spots in life, business, and countless other areas of our existence!   Here are my top three tips on how to get the mentor you deserve, the best advisor for you, and someone whose advice you...

Wednesday Wellness - The Importance of Hydration for Brain and Body, and How It Has Changed My Life
May 07, 2019

Did you know we're 60% water? And that a drop of just 1% means that we are dehydrated?! Shocking, right? In today's Wednesday Wellness episode, I discuss the importance of drinking enough water, and my own experiences. Spoiler: being hydrated has...