Wilde About Woo

Wilde About Woo

Latest Episodes

Wednesday Wellness - The Lost Art of Creativity, The Science Behind It, and 10 Ways to Get Your Crafting Mojo Back!
June 25, 2019

In today's episode, I talk about the scientific benefits for both mind (memory, cognitive function, sleep - and more!) and body (immunity, who knew?!). I also give you my top ten tips for getting back into art / craft / creation after a hiatus!  ...

Who do you think you are? My top 10 tips to overcome Imposter Syndrome and fear of failure
June 24, 2019

Have you ever felt like you didn't belong? That you were a fraud? A fake? That you were, uh, well, Einstein... or Maya Angelou...? You were suffering from Imposter Syndrome - it's common amongst all populations, no matter how apparently successful,...

Are you at 'inbox zero'? Why are we so OBSESSED with measuring ourselves against numbers that mean nothing in wellbeing and addiction recovery
June 17, 2019

Are you baking a cake? If not, then you do not need a constant, obsessive focus on NUMBERS! In today's podcast, I discuss ways in which we might turn away from always looking at and comparing numbers, and finding methods based on quality rather than...

Friday Fast One - A question from my coach - "How do we stop you caring about what others say?" - My thoughts, experiences and ideas.
June 13, 2019

When Dr Adi Jaffe asked me that question, I was floored.  Indeed, how on Earth DO we stop me caring what others think? Still not sure I know, but I hash it out here with some ideas and advice that you might also find helpful!   Honorable...

Wednesday Wellness - The Top 10 Things I've Learnt To Simplify My Wellbeing Journey and Addiction Recovery
June 11, 2019

I was sober in AA for eight years, and although it wasn't right for me, recovery then - and now - have taught me a lot about how to simplify my journey!   Here I share ten short tips about how I'm learning (notice the present tense!! Ha!) to...

What's your ritual? A look at habits and how we can use them as building bricks for rituals that improve our lives
June 10, 2019

We all have habits, whether we're aware of them or not.  We all have rituals, too, but what if we could make conscious decisions to form rituals that help us meet our goals. Maybe you want to develop a ritual to sleep better? To improve your self...

Friday Fast One - I was hesitant about self-care, but here's my experience of why we need it and ideas!
June 06, 2019

This Friday's 'Fast One' episode is my take on self-care, self-love, self-honouring activities! I offer my own experiences, and the self-care activities I've enjoyed the most, as well as some other ideas you might like to try.    Honorable...

Wednesday Wellness - 10 Reasons We Should Be Meditating, And My 5 Tips For How to Start A Meditation or Mindfulness Practise
June 04, 2019

Ever meditated or tried mindfulness? I REALLY struggle with quieting my mind enough to concentrate on doing it! Here are my top 10 reasons - all researched! - of how we can all benefit from meditating, both physically and psychologically... including...

Ready to lift up the hood? Kaizen, the improvement of car manufacture, and how you can apply it to your life!
June 03, 2019

My word of the year for 2019 is "kaizen", the Sino-Japanese word that means "improvement".  The process of continuous improvement has made incredible changes in my life, allowing me to start focussing on "how can I make this action / behaviour /...

Friday Fast One - There are two ways to cross a river: why small steps are as important as giant leaps in addiction recovery
May 30, 2019

I've seen a lot recently about making "big leaps" / "giant jumps out of your comfort zone" etc.  I'm here to tell you that it's perfectly OKAY to be more comfortable with baby steps: they are just as important for growth! I discuss my experiences...