A Wellbeing Awakening with Lisa M Pepe, CWC

Latest Episodes
Natural Wellbeing
Our natural state is one of wellbeing... Your natural state is one of good health and if you're experiencing anything else, change your focusWhen we are worried about being well, we are actually focusing on being sick instead of getting betterThinking
HFS – Guest Heather Fletcher
This Health Freedom Series video is with special guest Heather Fletcher... Heather is a former air traffic controller and dynamo mother of 3 and a big proponent of medical choice When the pandemic hit she went along with some of the protocols, but got s
Relax Into Wellbeing
We're never too busy to relax into wellbeing... We are constantly in motion doing things in our life and all of this "doing" can totally stress us out When you stop for a few seconds and take a deep breath, you can relax back into your wellbeing You hav
HFS – Say No To V Cards
Showing a card or a pass does not prove a person is not sick... We need to take a closer look at the real reason they want to implement a v-card or v-pass system Those that want to put them in place say the main reason is to encourage people to get thei
Reach For A Better Thought
We always can reach for thoughts that feel better... Reaching for a better feeling or thought can open passages to wellbeing and attract positive outcomes When you're in the middle of a dire situation, always try to think of the next best thing you can
No On The Negative
When you focus on what you don't want, you attract it to you... When you find things to shout "NO" at, shout briefly so as not to attract more of it to you Don't focus on what you don't want... Learn from it and decide what you do want Be aware of comp
Practicing All Is Well
Practice saying the "All is Well" mantra to stay calm in crazy times... We all go through many tribulations in life and it's always best to stay centered and stable When you can take a moment to remind yourself "All Is Well, you can find moments of peac
Emotions And Guidance
Our emotional guidance system is a part of our inner knowing.. Use your emotions to guide you every day so you can make better decisions in your life When you think about a situation and you have a vibrational emotion, you feel your way through it Alway
HFS – Right To Try Or Not
We all have the right to try or not to try certain medical protocols... Last I checked, the right to try or deny medicines and medical procedures was allowed in the US Why are doctors who are having success in treating certain illnesses with supplements
Controlling Others
Trying to control others can actually harm your health and wellbeing... This is a Wellbeing Card Reading about controlling others from my Abraham Hicks Wellbeing Card deck When you try to control others and you feel upset, friction or frustration, step