A Wellbeing Awakening with Lisa M Pepe, CWC

Latest Episodes
HFS – Medical Protocols
Health Freedom Series... Beware of one size fits all medical protocols that may harm you! Most hospitals care more about their bottom line than they do about helping patients these days Corporate Hospitals can hinder patient-doctor relationships and det
Intuitive Knowing
You can easily tap into your inner guidance system to find answers... Sometimes we get too caught up in our own minds and overly concerned with outside influences This may block our ability to hear our own innate wisdom and keep us from staying in alig
Your Body Your Health
It's your responsibility to take care of your own health, not someone else's,... No other person can get inside of your body and take care of it for you Telling someone else that they're in charge of your health is irresponsible Helping someone make hea
Lying Affects Wellbeing
Lying can affect the wellbeing of individuals and society in many ways... Every little lie can add up and perpetuate more lies which can erode our existence We lie for many different reasons - Watch the video for my top 15 reasons for lying Lying appear
Fixing Fear Follies
Fear Follies Learn how to fix your fear follies so you can stay calm and rational.Read and watch my video blog below... Fear is a funny thing... A little bit can be helpful in certain situations, BU
Shame On You Or Me
Shame on YOU or on ME? When you shame others, you may shame yourself instead... Shaming others can bring shame on you and is most likely stemming from your own judgement Shame is a very low, negative energy and you can feel it when someone directs it...
Awaken and Be Well
Awaken and Be Well Here are just a few takeaways from my awaken be well video... After leading a mostly normal life, we awakened to a year called 2020... Wellness coaches began to take on many of the difficult topics of 2020
Chemicals And You
Chemicals And You Chemicals are very difficult to avoid, but the following can help... Work to detox every week to keep your systems working well and Ph balanced Everything, including your body, is a system and must be treated as such
Health Freedom
Health Freedom We must preserve the right to choose what we put into our body... There are state and federal bills being introduced that will affect your health and freedoms Health laws aren't always good and some of them are not created for the goo...
Testing and Retesting
Test and Retest It's very important to retake health tests and question their accuracy... This video is not meant to diagnose, cure or treat any health condition, disease or disorder It's always best to get tested more than once when trying to pinpoin...