Waking Up With Esateys

Waking Up With Esateys

Latest Episodes

Waking Up With Esateys #40 | Having More Money Pt. 1
April 21, 2017

How To Have More Money In Your Life Part 1 Hi everyone! This is Esateys! And I’m really excited because I’m going to start doing some 3 part series and this is the first of those. And I would love to get rolling on money.

Waking Up With Esateys #39 | What To Do When Your Fear Is Up
April 17, 2017

  Fear Is a Crusher of Hope and a Slayer of Dreams Hi everyone!. This is Esateys.  I’m happy to be here with you today. I was going to speak about something completely different which I’m now going to start tomorrow. It’s a 3 part series,

Waking Up With Esateys #38 | Move Your Body, Move Your Life
April 03, 2017

  Hi everyone! This is Esateys.  I’m very excited again to be with you today. Today we are going to speak about move your body, move your life. Now I know some of you make these new year’s resolutions, I’m going to go work out,

Waking Up With Esateys #37 | How To Expand The Box You Live In
March 31, 2017

HI everyone. This is Esateys. I’m very excited to be with you here this morning because we are going to speak about something called The Box you Live In. In fact the name of this particular video is How to Expand the Box You Live In.

Waking Up With Esateys #36 | A Macro View of 2017 | Marches and Rallies Galore
March 28, 2017

  Hi everyone. This is Esateys. I’m very excited to be with you here today because yesterday a was a massive energetic day on our planet. And I’m here today to speak about a macro view of the 1/21/17 rallies and marches.

Waking Up With Esateys #35 | Intuition And How To Use It
March 24, 2017

Hi everyone! This is Esateys and I was just having a little chat on messenger with some of my favorite friends and the word intuition came up. I think I’ll just run right down and do a little podcast on that. So intuition,

Waking Up With Esateys #34 | Why Do Our Bodies Get Sick?
March 21, 2017

Hi everyone and this is Esateys and welcome to Waking Up With Esateys. Each broadcast will bring you pointed powerful information that will help you design your personal life plan to end all anguish now. This work is lifechanging with day to day practi...

Waking Up With Esateys #33 | Leaving Out With The Pain Seminar (FB Live)
March 17, 2017

Hi everyone and this is Esateys and welcome to Waking Up With Esateys. Each broadcast will bring you pointed powerful information that will help you design your personal life plan to end all anguish now. This work is lifechanging with day to day practi...

Waking Up With Esateys #32 | Out With The Pain In With The Joy
March 14, 2017

  Hi everyone and this is Esateys and welcome to Waking Up With Esateys. Each broadcast will bring you pointed powerful information that will help you design your personal life plan to end all anguish now. This work is lifechanging with day to day prac...

Waking Up With Esateys #31 | What I Learned About Life From Dog Shows
March 10, 2017

Hi everyone. This is Esateys and welcome to waking up with Esateys. Each broadcast will bring you pointed powerful information that will help you design your personal life plan to end all anguish now. This work is lifechanging with day to day practical...