Waking Up With Esateys

Waking Up With Esateys

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Waking Up With Esateys #30 | Presidential Inauguration | A Different Perspective
March 07, 2017

Hi everyone and this is Esateys and welcome to Waking Up With Esateys. Each broadcast will bring you pointed powerful information that will help you design your personal life plan to end all anguish  now. This work is lifechanging with day to day pract...

Waking Up With Esateys #29 | Facebook Live 2017 Predictions
January 24, 2017

The post Waking Up With Esateys #29 | Facebook Live 2017 Predictions appeared first on Self Healing Institute.

Waking Up With Esateys #28 – Mastering Relationships
January 16, 2017

Hi everyone.  This is Esateys.  Today I am going to speak about something that is kind of a big subject.  It won’t be the first time you hear me speak about relationship.  This kind of relationship I am going to speak about is really a broad spectrum.

Waking Up With Esateys #26 – Forgiveness
December 20, 2016

Forgiveness Is About Letting Go Of The Past Hi everyone.  I am excited to speak to you today about something that is a very big subject for many people.  Forgiveness.  When we speak about it many people just tighten right up.

Waking With Esateys #25 – Inspiration vs. Desperation
December 13, 2016

Hi everyone this is Esateys.  Today I am very excited to speak about something that is fresh on my mind.  It’s called Inspiration verses desperation.  My work hovers greatly around relationships and mindsets.

Waking Up With Esateys #24 – Your Word Is Law
December 07, 2016

Hi everyone this is Esateys and welcome back.  I am excited to be with you here today.  Today we are going to speak about those words that come out of your mouth.  Your word is Law. Let’s go back to some basics.  Many of you may sit here and say,

Waking Up With Esateys #23 – Overwhelmed & Overloaded
November 22, 2016

Are You Feeling Overwhelmed And Overloaded Lately? Hi everyone this is Esateys and welcome back. Have you ever been in a contemplative place where you are thinking about how overwhelmed you are?  How freaked out you are?

Waking Up With Esateys #22 – Are You Grumpier?
November 15, 2016

Have You Been Grumpier Than Usual Lately? Hi everyone this is Esateys and welcome back.  Today we are going to speak about energies, communication, and the fragility of the human condition.  You may have noticed that people seem to be getting in lots o...

Waking Up With Esateys #20 | Existential Suffering…Are You Kidding Me?
June 01, 2016

Hi everyone. This is Esateys. And welcome back. Today I am going to speak about an interesting subject. Its call existential suffering. Now you may go whoa, what the heck is that? Let me try to explain this in a way that will make easy sense for you.

Waking Up With Esateys #19 | Get Real, Authenticity Is the Key
May 26, 2016

Hi Everyone. 2016!!! This is the year that is going to be filled with a tremendous amount of everything. Some people are going to be finishing up a lot of things that they haven’t really completed. Meaning that there’s going to be issues, if you will,