Waking Up With Esateys

Waking Up With Esateys

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Waking Up With Esateys #49 | Making Peace With Pain
May 26, 2017

The post Waking Up With Esateys #49 | Making Peace With Pain appeared first on Self Healing Institute.

Waking Up With Esateys #48 | What The Super Bowl Taught Me About Life
May 22, 2017

The post Waking Up With Esateys #48 | What The Super Bowl Taught Me About Life appeared first on Self Healing Institute.

Waking Up With Esateys #47 | The Profundity Of Silence
May 19, 2017

  Hi everyone. This is Esateys. Wow! How was that for you? Just being in silence. Was your mind thinking oh her audio has gone off! Omigosh what is happening! Her lips aren’t moving say maybe she isn’t speaking.

Waking Up With Esateys #46 | One Thing That Can Hurt Your Relationships
May 15, 2017

Hi everyone. This is Esateys. Today I have an interesting subject for you. One thing that can hurt you and your relationships. This is something that some people won’t fess up to but think about this as I’m speaking about it.

Waking Up With Esateys #45 | Quick Release of Negative Feelings
May 12, 2017

  Hi everyone! This is Esateys. Today we are going to speak about a quick release for negative emotions or feelings. Actually those are two different words. Feelings are really the core of the sensation in your body and emotions are how we attach story...

Waking Up With Esateys #44 | How To Pop Out Of Bed ALIVE
May 05, 2017

  I love my life! How to pop out of bed alive! Did you know that when you wake up in the morning you have the ability to set your entire intention for the day right there? And how do you really do it is by the way that you are feeling and the energy […]

Waking Up With Esateys #43 | How Clutter Interferes With What You Want
May 01, 2017

  Hi everyone. This is Esateys. Today we are going to speak about how clutter interferes with what you want. Some people may have never thought of it that way, but it actually has a tremendous amount to do with how much stress you have,

Waking Up With Esateys #42 | Having More Money Pt. 3
April 28, 2017

  Hi everyone! This is Esateys! Good morning, and good afternoon and good evening! Depending upon when it is that you are listening to this. This is part 3 of how to have more money. Greatly appreciate those of you that have been with me and have sent ...

Waking Up With Esateys #41 | Having More Money Pt. 2
April 24, 2017

  Hi everyone! This is Esateys! Here we are for how to have more money part 2. I just want to take a second to kind of go over what we spoke about yesterday. And if you didn’t see part 1, I very very much encourage you.