Uriel's Gifts

Uriel's Gifts

Latest Episodes

February 2, 2010 - Mass For The Shut-Out - Imbolc Celebration!
January 16, 2010

It's time to celebrate Imbolc! Inbolc is one of the least-known but most-worthwhile celebrations in the cycle of the year, especially because of the fact that it is a fulfillment of the promise made at Samhain. Remember Samhain? At that time, there was

The Sabbat School Class, Lesson 7: Where We Meet!
January 03, 2010

And this time, you'll be given sone "homework" which can begins some discovery for you! We just finished Yule, and Imbolc is about a month away. While there are many times when it is appropriate to step back and look at the full perspective, we find our

December 21, 2009: Mass For The Shut-Out - Celebrating Yule!
December 19, 2009

It is time to celebrate Yule! Yule is indeed just possibly the most primary and basic of all of the Sabbats, and almost every spiritual path has a celebration at the time of the Winter Solstice which has the basic theme of a new birth, and especially a d

The Sabbat School Class, Lesson 6: A Yule Gift - Something You Can Actually Do!
December 14, 2009

This lesson is one that you might see as being a Yule gift. One of the most often-asked questions where spiritual matters are concerned is the basic question of what can you do. People spend a major part of their lives searching for something to do abou

November 27, 2009: Mass For The Shut-Out - Betwixt Samhain and Yule
November 29, 2009

Samhain is over, Yule is coming, and there is a special lesson which applies now Actually, it applies anytime but especially now. At Samhain, there was an end, but also a beginning. And anyone who has been a parent will remember that the time between d

The Sabbat School Class, Lesson 5: Things To Do With Bread And Wine
November 14, 2009

And here, perhaps, you'll find some answers as to what I'm doing in Mass For The Shut-Out, and more importantly, how you can apply them in what you do spiritually. The roots go beyond Crowley's Gnostic Mass, The Mass, Passover Seder, or Cakes and Ale. O

October 31, 2009: Mass For The Shut-Out - It's Samhain!
October 28, 2009

It's Samhain, and we are celebrating, both here and on "The Secrets In Plain Sight!" Samahin is special, for many reasons. One is that it the celebration of beginnings and endings. The other is that this is when the veil between the worlds is at its th

The Sabbat School Class, Lesson 4: Looking Forward To Samhain 2009
October 17, 2009

For me, Samhain is perhaps the most significant of the Sabbats, even if it is not considered to be a "minor Sabbat" in that it is not one of the four solstice/equinox points. This is the Celtic New Year, and also, according to tradition, the time when th

October 4, 2009: Mass For The Shut-Out - A Special Dedication To Uriel
October 05, 2009

The Archangel Uriel is special to me, for a number of reasons. One is that she represents the fulfillment of so much of what I was seeking when I first came here. And hence the name of this place in cyberspace. And today, we dedicate a statue to the Ar

The Sabbat School Class, Lesson 3: Priesthood Is A State Of Being!
September 27, 2009

If you can imagine how difficult it would be to keep a fish comfortable, healthy and happy out of water, then you can imagine the intensity of a call to priesthood. That's why I'm known to say that priesthood is a state of being. Those who think of it