Uriel's Gifts

Uriel's Gifts

Latest Episodes

September 5, 2009: Mass For The Shut-Out - A dedication and a celebration
September 06, 2009

I was invited to join the House of Independent Bishops, and of course I accepted. And what is a Wiccan doing among a bunch of bishops? Quite a lot, actually! The title "High Priest" is sufficient to be considered to be the equivalent of a bishop, a

The Sabbat School Class, Lesson 2 - One Of The Most Basic Of Basics
August 24, 2009

And what would be the most basic of basics that you or I would need to know? Perhaps a step so basic that some forget to even acknowledge it. True, it is mentioned in every primer, and even some other paths will give it some sort of recognition, but few

July 16, 2009 - Mass For The Shut-out
July 16, 2009

Taking a moment between Litha and Lammas to look at where we are, where we have been, and where we are going. As we've said before, a Sabbat is never really "over" until the Wheel of the Year turns to that Sabbat of the next year.

The Sabbat School Class - Lesson 1 - How Much Should A Magickal Tool Cost?
June 18, 2009

How Much Should It Cost? This is a question which every newcomer asks in one way or another. Expensive tools can be attractive, but are they any more effective? And why?

Beltaine 2009 - Mass For The Shut-Out
May 03, 2009

Beltaine is the feast of the God coming of age, according to our ancient Celt ancestors. Let's celebrate and let's learn the lessons which Beltaine has to teach us!

Ostara 2009 - Mass For The Shut-Out
April 07, 2009

Ostara is the celebration of new life at the end of winter. Come, let us join in this celebration of new life!

February 20, 2009 - Mass For The Shut-out in honor of Tempest Smith
February 20, 2008

Tempest Kayne Smith died on February 20, 2001. She died at the age of twelve years old. She died as a direct result of the religious harassment she received from her school-mates. This did not happen in some third-world country, but in Lincoln Park, Mi
