Uriel's Gifts

Uriel's Gifts

Latest Episodes

The Sabbat School Class, Lesson 12: Divination 101 - First In A Series
June 14, 2010

There is much to be said about divination and indeed much is being said, and much has been written. And sometimes it seems so muc that it's hard to tell where to begin, especially if you are a beginner. And so, here are some episodes of this show design

May 31, 2010 - Memorial Day On Mass For The Shut Out - Honoring Our Fallen Warriors
May 31, 2010

Today in the United States is Memorial Day, the day we set aside each year to honor those who have fallen in the service of their country's armed forces. We also add to them those veterans who returned who have now also answered the call to cross the bri

The Sabbat School Class, Lesson 11: A Law Of Laws?
May 23, 2010

The Law Of One is something which I find comforting. When I show it to you and explain its comfort, you'll understand why. I discovered it when I joined the Universal Gnostic Fellowship. It is indeed comforting, because it gives me reasons to understan

May 1, 2010, 2010 - Mass For The Shut Out Celebrating Beltaine!
April 29, 2010

Beltaine has a special meaning. The meaning is particularly special for those of us who have spent too much time in our lives hearing about "God's will", "God's time," or "God's higher plan." Beltaine is not only the celebration but the actual fulfill

The Sabbat School Class, Lesson 10: What About You?
April 20, 2010

There is one question which almost everyone who has any desire for the spiritual has probably asked at least once, and I asked it many times. You hear about someone else's spiritual experience and, unless you are already having equal experiences, the nat

March 21, 2010 - Ostara Celebration On Mass For The Shut Out
March 21, 2010

Ostara is here! And it's about time! If your winter was like it was here, I know you agree with me that this past winter is good to have in our past. And that makes this Ostara seem more than some others as being shedding winter's yoke. And there is m

The Sabbat School Class, Lesson 9: Ostara and Ragnarok
March 14, 2010

Ostara is coming soon. And looking at Ostara, I looked at The Prophecy Of The Sybill from the Ancient Norse. One of the special things that happens at Ragnarok is that Odin's son Baldur returns from the dead. Not only that, but Baldur rules following

February 20, 2010 - Mass For The Shut-Out In Honor of Tempest Smith
February 16, 2010

Tempest Kayne Smith died on February 20, 2001. She had been the victim of religious harassment and bullying. It was after her diary was discovered that people learned the extent and severity of the bullying she was put through. Sticks and stones might

The Sabbat School Class, Lesson 8: Thinking about Tempest Smith Day coming
February 06, 2010

Tempest Smith Day is February 20th. Tempest Kayne Smith was intelligent and creative. She played the flute, wrote poetry, and sometimes showed an intelligence and sensitivity beyond that normally associated with someone her age. She died on February 20

Promo #1 - The "commercial" for Uriel's Gifts
February 06, 2010

Welcome to religious programming for the rest of us! And that's exactly the intention for Uriel's Gifts, as it was (and remains) for The Secrets In Plain Sight. And I hope this says what it's about!