Sermons – Unity of Tallahassee

Sermons – Unity of Tallahassee

Latest Episodes

The Anchor of the Universe 11-27-16
November 29, 2016

Learn about how to find a new sense of well-being by expanding your awareness of where you anchor your sense of self.

Are We Overthinking It? 11-06-16 Paul Smith
November 25, 2016

We have more informative available to us than ever before.  Our lives may also feel so complicated that we are desperate for answers that we hope will lead to peace, love, and understanding.  Perhaps the truth lies not in new options or choices but in ...

A Spiritual Solvent 11-20-16
November 22, 2016

As we identify with events, situations, and conditions in life, these things tend to become sticky in a way that our attention returns to them again and again.  How can we become unstuck from them?

Accepting What Is 11-13-16
November 17, 2016

When life goes contrary to what we would like to see happen, what do we do?  Is there a reality beyond the apparent?

The Happiness Factor 11-06-16
November 10, 2016

The story of Jesus turning water into wine is an illustration of the process of inner transformation.  When the water of our emotions are sufficiently clear we have the possibility of experiencing the wine of realization of our connection to Source.

What’s Your Judgment? 10-30-16
November 02, 2016

A common obstacle to having a deep connection to our true self is judging others while not realizing how this affects us.

What’s Your Use? 10-23-16
October 27, 2016

Everything in the Universe is used by something and everything uses something else.  There are no exceptions.  What’s your use?

Out of the Darkness 10-16-16
October 19, 2016

Have you noticed how the political season seems to magnify the overt and latent tendencies in our consciousness to divide people into forces of Light and Darkness?  How can we use the current outer political climate to grow spiritually?

Everything Shines 10-09-16
October 12, 2016

When astrophysicists look out into the cosmos they are able to tell what elements make up the composition of stars and other material by the colors they see.  Everything shines to reveal its nature.  Everything in our inner universe also shines to reve...

Wherever You Are, God Is, And All Is Well – Paul Smith
October 07, 2016

Paul Smith speaking at Unity of Tallahassee about the idea of the omnipresence of God referred to in the “Prayer For Protection”.