Sermons – Unity of Tallahassee

Sermons – Unity of Tallahassee

Latest Episodes

New Earth Lesson 3 I, Not I
October 05, 2016

To advance along the path of self-discovery one must learn to distinguish between what one has falsely identified with as ‘I’, which we will call ‘Not I’, and who one is in reality.

New Earth Lessons – The Formula
September 27, 2016

One of the foundation threads coursing throughout Jesus’ sayings, parables, and demonstrations is a recurring formula essential to a complete understanding of his way of seeing and being.

New Earth Lesson: Enrollment
September 21, 2016

The first step in the experience of inner change is a shift of intention and attention.  This is how we enroll in a new understanding of what it means to live from the inside out.

True Self Interest
September 08, 2016

Sometimes it’s hard to know what is in our best interest.  What we often do not know is that everything we do in our self-interest.  The only question is: which self?

The Hero’s Journey
August 31, 2016

Each one of us must take the inner journey for ourselves.  Many have come throughout the ages to show that the journey through the inner world is possible and necessary.  Others have said they will take it for you.

Without Fear
August 23, 2016

What would your life be like without fear?  Is it possible to diminish or eliminate the suffering of unnecessary fear?

What I Think You Think
August 23, 2016

Getting caught in the loop of thinking what others are thinking inevitably leads to suffering.  How can we get out of that thought trap?

An Inspired Life
August 11, 2016

If you are alive and breathing you inspire and are inspired.  When you no longer breathe, inspire, you expire.  Can we learn to consciously inspire?

What Where How
August 03, 2016

Stepping back to get an overall perspective of Jesus’ journey as described in the Gospels we can see a threefold process.  From this perspective of our own spiritual journey we may be able to get a new understanding of what we are seeking,

The Infinite Path 05-29-16
May 30, 2016

The primary obstacle to our power to grow spiritually is identification with our belief in separation.  With the realization and release of our sense of separate selves come convergence; with convergence comes spiritual power.