Latest Episodes
Episode 42: Understanding Seizure Clusters
In the first episode of TSC Now in 2023, host Dan Klein recognizes International Epilepsy Day (February 13, 2023) and Seizure Action Plan Awareness Week (February 13-20, 2023) by learning about seizur
Episode 41: Help Today, Help Tomorrow
In the final episode of TSC Now in 2022, host Dan Klein connects with two incredible advocates for individuals with disabilities and learns how families can find support to help them with both everyda
Episode 40: Totally Super Cool!
In a special bonus episode of TSC Now, host Dan Klein learns about a new childrens book called Totally Super Cool, which was developed by Nobelpharma America, LLC. This Podcast is being sponsored by
Episode 39: Inspiring a World TSC Community
In a special two-part episode of TSC Now, host Dan Klein recaps the 2022 World TSC Conference, which was held in Dallas, Texas July 28-31, 2022. In part two, Dan explores the history of tuberous scler
Episode 38: Galvanizing a World TSC Community
In a special two-part episode of TSC Now, host Dan Klein recaps the 2022 World TSC Conference, which was held in Dallas, Texas July 28-31, 2022. In part one Dan talks to two inspiring and visionary le
Episode 37: The MILED Trial and the Future of LAM Research
In this episode of TSC Now, host Dan Klein celebrates Worldwide LAM Awareness Month (#WWLAM) and raises awareness of lymphanhgioleiomyomatosis (LAM) and a pivotal clinical trial in LAM that is enrolli
Episode 35: The Past, Present and Future of Autism Research in TSC
In this episode of TSC Now, host Dan Klein recognizes World Autism Month by taking a deep dive on the past, present and future of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) research in TSC. Dan talks to Shafali J
Episode 34: Celebrating 20 Years of Comedy for a Cure
In this episode of TSC Now, host Dan Klein recognizes the 20th Anniversary Comedy for a Cureon Sunday, April 3 at the Avalon in Hollywood, California! To kick off the celebration, Dan learns about t
Episode 33: Noema, Basimglurant and a New Clinical Trial for Seizures in TSC
In a very special early episode ofTSC Now, host Dan Klein recognizesInternational #EpilepsyDay and the kickoff of the second annual Seizure Action Plan Awareness Week. In November 2020, a collaborat
Episode 32: The 2022 World TSC Conference
In the first episode of TSC Now in 2022, host Dan Klein provides an overview of the upcoming 2022 World TSC Conference, co-hosted by Tuberous Sclerosis Complex International (TSCi), which will be held