Trumpet Media Podcast

Trumpet Media Podcast

The Capability of My God (podcast)

May 07, 2019

You need an adjustment of status; let’s get to it!

You may not be a king but you can be yourself.

Are you yourself?
Why are you not yourself?
Now, can you be yourself?

Let God Who Has Strong Capability help you
You must be able to say “I am fearfully and wonderfully made”

“Before you were formed in the womb of your mother, I have known thee... (Jeremiah 1:5)”

“They look unto him, their faces are radiant, and they are not ashamed... (Psalm 34:5)
To properly readjust your status, you must remove those cobwebs. Get rid of them to move forward. (God of strong capability can help you).
Why the need to remove the clumps?

Brightness and sharpness of mind
Family to feel like family
Joy to fill your home
Your relationship with God to take a new dive
Your ministry to have a new experience

Know the thoughts of God for your life:

Egyptians that you see today you shall see them no more (Exodus 14:13)
Once he spoke twice I heard that powers belong to God (Psalm 62:11)

Anything that double-cross your progress must be removed, by the power in the name of Jesus Christ!

Participate in the sermon prayers and personalize all the blessings proclaimed to your life.

God bless you!

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