Trumpet Media Podcast
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Victim Mentality (Podcast) #VictoryInJesus #ChristianLiving #TrustInGod
The adversary will do everything possible to lead you astray with his temptations. Stay strong, and don't be swayed. Place your trust in the Lord for guidance, and you will thrive! Remember Psalm 2
Embrace a mindset aligned with God (Podcast) #Faith #GodsStandards #TrustInGod
Being aware of God's presence makes it easier to follow His guidance and align with His will. Joseph made the courageous choice to resist sin, which empowered him to overcome temptation with strength
Time demands commitment and perseverance (Podcast) #TrustInGod #Resilience #Faith
As we approach the End of time, the test of our faith will intensify. Only those who are truly committed will remain steadfast. Embrace the truth of the End with an unwavering belief in God! Time
Humanity facing the reality of Love and Fire (Podcast) #lovediary #humanity #firey #facing
Embracing the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ opens the door to experiencing God's everlasting love! It will be heartbreaking for anyone who misses salvation when the final day arrives. A so
God is up to something. Be expecting your miracle. (Podcast) #miracle #expecting #surprise
Great things are on the horizon! Stay hopeful in God and anticipate your miracle. With faith, anything can happen! With God, all things are possible. Stay hopeful in God and anticipate your miracl
The love of many people will grow cold on the last day. (Podcast) #lastday #love #bestday
The affection of many will fade as we approach the final day. As we approach the end times, it's important to recognize that many may let their love for God fade away. To keep your faith vibrant an
Hold Jesus close in your heart and thoughts! (Podcast) #connection #NurtureYourFaith #maintain
You risk losing what you don't nurture. To keep Jesus at the forefront of our thoughts, we must maintain a daily connection through reading His words, meditating, and praying. Engaging in daily Bib
God Will Fight For You (Podcast) #nin #love #children #support
In the realm of love and conflict, God stands steadfastly by the side of His children, ready to protect and support them against their adversaries.When the going gets tough, we surely have an advocate
David vs Goliath (Podcast) #truepower #inthespirit #strength #reminder
David recognized the power of God, while Goliath relied solely on brute force. Those who align their thoughts with the divine will triumph in every circumstance! In the face of overwhelming odds, D
What Do You See? (Podcast) #mind #parallel #help
Spiritual matters don't parallel the physical; what you see in your mind matters. Jesus helps us overcome in all. #mind #parallel #help #matter Our faith helps us navigate the challenges we face wi