Latest Episodes
Ep. 500 - Trent365! - FREE TICKETS to Spa Education Academy Online Conference
To celebrate the 500th episode of the show, I’m giving away TWO tickets to the event. Just answer either of these questions in the comments below, over on LinkedIn... A. What courses would you like to see. offered by the Spa Education Academy?
Ep. 499 - Trent365! - Spa & Wellness Mergers and Acquisitions
Many of the founders who where there when the Spa Industry started to take shape 20+ years ago, are approaching retirement age. That might mean some good businesses are ripe for acquisition...and at a good price too. #spa #listening #mergersandacquisi
Ep. 498 - Trent365! - Earthlite Buys TARA Spa Therapy
Last year I predicted 2019 would be a big year for Spa & Wellness Mergers & Acquisitions. That seems to be playing out. But something I didn’t see was consolidation within the industry like this. #spa #wellness #mergersandacquisitions #spabusiness
Ep. 497 - Trent365! - BREAKING NEWS : Wellness Collective Event is Cancelled
The organiser has officially released a statement to say that the event has been cancelled. They have said that those who have incurred financial losses as a result of the cancellation and is looking for a refund, should email ... cancellations@wellnes
Ep. 496 - Trent365! - You Are The Sum
Someone told me last week that I am what I type - ie: what I post on social media. But the reality is we are each the sum of all that we do and all that we say - everywhere. In this world of ours where so much of us is out there on social media. It’s im
Ep. 495 - Trent365! - Sponsorship Vs Free Trial
Instead of pursuing a pure sponsorship opportunity, what about offering the venue a Free Trial of your product/service? That way you get your exposure PLUS the opportunity of a long term supply contract too. #conference #eventmarketing #conferencevenue
Ep. 494 - Application over Ability
When it comes to sports, we tend to accept that all the skill and ability in the world will only get you so far. But somehow, when it comes to business, we think a great product/service is enough. It rarely is. #quality #marketing #product #service #appl
Ep. 493 - Trent365! - Impact over Scale
We all have Impact, it’s just the size of the circle that differs. And the size of that circle does not necessarily define the significance of your impact. #influencers #integritymatters #socialimpact #impact
Ep. 492 - Trent365! - The Essence of Tribe
People like us, Do things like this. If that’s not your thing, that’s ok. You don’t have to join. Thanks again to Seth Godin. Perfectly sums up my feelings towards the events of this past week. #tribe #market #followers #sentiment
Ep. 491 - Trent365! - Wellbeing, Wellness and Spa
What’s the difference? How do they all link together? Well, thanks to Mia Kyricos, we have an answer... #spa #wellness #wellbeing