Podcast – Tisarana Buddhist Monastery

Podcast – Tisarana Buddhist Monastery

Latest Episodes

Abandoning the Unwholesome
June 21, 2019

On a snowy winter’s night at Tisarana, Venerable Khemako illustrates that even more important than performing meritorious acts is the abandoning of unwholesome ones. He shows how this practice of renunciation leads one from attachment and suffering to ...

Have Faith in the Goodness of Your Actions
June 18, 2019

Ajahn Pavaro chats with visitors and reflects on the process of leaving one’s family to become a Buddhist monk. He answers various visitors’ questions about Ajahn Chah’s way of teaching, and bringing peace to the mind.

Singleness of Mind
June 07, 2019

Tan Khemako provides a guided breath meditation. He briefly discusses singleness of mind, and insight meditation. (Guided Meditation recorded at Tisarana on 02 November 2018. Duration 26:26)… Read the rest

A New Branch on an Old Tree
May 31, 2019

At this years Vesak celebration, Ajahn Chandasiri, who was one of the first women to ordain as a Siladhara at Chithurst Buddhist Monastery in England, speaks on what drew her to the monastic life and how the example the monks living at Chithurst set in...

Recollecting the Buddha
May 31, 2019

On this years Vesak celebration, which is a day where we celebrate and remember the Buddha’s birth, Enlightenment, and Parinibbana, Ajahn Viradhammo emphasizes the importance of faith and how it can help our practice.

When Desire Is Frustrated
May 24, 2019

On his 72nd birthday, Ajahn Viradhammo offers reflections to Tisarana’s resident community on the relationship between desire and happiness. He shows how the conditions of living in the monastery, the interactions with each other and the work projects ...

A Rotten Smell in Your Mind
May 17, 2019

Ajahn Viradhammo explains how to develop a wise relationship to wanting. By using awareness to know wanting as an object in the mind, instead of becoming preoccupied with wanting and attaching to it in a subjective way,

Changing Our Personality Is Not the Goal of Practice
May 10, 2019

Ajahn Pavaro chats with some visitors about happenings in this tradition, as well as reflections on death and dying. He discusses differing teaching styles and how personalities can change or stay the same as we progress.

The Mazarati is Already Broken
May 03, 2019

At his 72nd birthday gathering, Ajahn Viradhammo reflects on skillfully relating to the conditions of life: not getting pulled into them nor abdicating our responsibilities. By taking refuge in skillfulness, in wholesome qualities,

Listening to Silence
May 03, 2019

Ajahn Viradhammo offers a guided meditation to a large crowd on a Spring afternoon at the monastery. He prioritizes being aware and awake, encouraging our minds be present with the knowing. (Guided meditation recorded at Tisarana on 27 April 2019.