Podcast – Tisarana Buddhist Monastery

Podcast – Tisarana Buddhist Monastery

Latest Episodes

The Object of Your Own Subjectedness
April 25, 2019

On New Year’s Eve before the start of 2019, Tan Khemako encourages us to look back on the wholesome actions we performed over the past year and reflect on our good fortune. He explains how negative mind states are simply habits that can be let go,

Finding Stillness in No Thought
April 19, 2019

(Note: this talk was truncated due to a recording malfunction.) On the full moon of Magha Puja, Ajahn Viradhammo invites us to ask the question, “What would this moment be like with no thought?” He shows that while wordly situations use a certain amoun...

Not In This Reality
April 14, 2019

Tan Khemako offers a Dhamma talk on how the mind puts labels on things as being good or bad, and takes it as being self. In reality, good and bad are simply a product of the mind, they don’t exist in reality.

What Arahants Know
April 05, 2019

Ajahn Vajiro, abbot of the Sumedhārāma Monastery in Portugal, offers reflections on the fruits of the Buddhist path. He encourages us to know the qualities of abundant generosity, freedom from suffering, and the realization and opportunity given by thi...

Strategies for Uplifting the Heart
March 29, 2019

Ajahn Pavaro distinguishes identifying with an emotion versus being aware of it. He gives the contemplations of the Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha, the devas, contemplating virtuous qualities and acts of generosity as strategies to uplift the heart.

Awareness of Change Is Refuge
March 22, 2019

Ajahn Viradhammo speaks with guests on being aware of feeling with compassion and to be with things as they are & not to replace or analyze. He also speaks to the importance of renunciation to witness change and its peace vs.

When Is the Next Moment?
March 15, 2019

Ajahn Viradhammo explores how practises such as metta bhavana and wise reflection can be used to create skillful pathways in a mind preoccupied with anger. In asking a question that doesn’t require an answer at just the right moment,

Samatha and Vipassana Are Not Separate Techniques
March 08, 2019

Ajahn Pavaro has a tea time conversation with guests, and explains that if meditators lay down the conditions of dana (generosity), sila (moral precepts) and bhavana (mental cultivation), wisdom will arise.

Learn to Die Before You Die
March 01, 2019

Ajahn Viradhammo shares that to “do” dying well we need to reflect on how we have lived our life. He speaks about keeping precepts as a way of giving fearlessness to others and preventing remorse. (Talk recorded in Ottawa on 13 July 2018.

Fender Benders
February 22, 2019

Ajahn Viradhammo, during Tisarana’s Kathina in 2018, reflects that the one thing we can count on in life is that: life will be disappointing. But even knowing that, when we don’t get what we want, we suffer. And when we get what we don’t want,