Podcast – Tisarana Buddhist Monastery

Podcast – Tisarana Buddhist Monastery

Latest Episodes

At Ease with Bees
September 27, 2019

For the Lunar Observance evening talk, Tan Khemako reflects on our habit of thinking that we know what is going to happen next. He tells a story showing how unexpected events help us wake up to the uncertainty of life.

Conforming towards Freedom
September 20, 2019

On a windy, late summer’s evening at Tisarana, Ajahn Viradhammo reflects on the freedom that comes from conforming to the monastic rules and way of life. With this foundation for freedom, he discusses how we can let go of one’s self-narrative and pers...

Not Self is the Way to Happiness
September 13, 2019

Upon savouring the community’s chanting of the Anatta Lakkhana Sutta, the Discourse on Not Self, Venerable Khemako points out why looking for happiness in the body and mind is destined to fail. He then describes the solution given by the Buddha,

Heads I Win, Tails You Lose
September 06, 2019

Venerable Khemako explains how the mind is constantly playing tricks on itself, asserting truths about the world and our identity. He shows how the very rules of our mind are rigged, and that the Buddha’s path is the way out of this trap.

Q&A with Luang Por Sumedho
August 30, 2019

Visitors take advantage of the wonderful and rare opportunity speak with Luang Por Sumedho during a Question and Answer session here at Tisarana. A variety of topics were raised, one being how one should develop a sense of ‘samvega’ ,

Tea Time with Ajahn Asoko
August 23, 2019

During his short period of time here at Tisarana, Luang Por Sumedho’s attendant, Ajahn Asoko, answers questions from various guests staying at the monastery at tea time. One subject brought up was how one should skillful practice Asuba meditation,

Don’t Take Anything Home With You
August 16, 2019

Tahn Ajahn Khemasiri, visiting from and former Abbot of Dhammapala monastery in Switzerland, explores how we can hold different levels of Buddhist conventions, pointing out that the conventions are a framework to support our practice,

Subjectivity vs Objectivity
August 09, 2019

Luang Por Sumedho encourages us to look at experience as it is rather than trying to constantly change conditions to fit what we like, which in the end is what causes us suffering. In letting go of this self-centered tendency, one will find peace.

Birthday Reflection by Luang Por Sumedho: Ageing, Mindfulness & Gratitude
July 29, 2019

Luang Por Sumedho observed his 85th birthday at Tisarana and shared from his deep well of wisdom. We made a video of the event.… Read the rest

Brain Surgery and Anesthesia
June 28, 2019

Ajahn Viradhammo expresses joy and approval at Tisarana’s newest community member arriving with generous offerings and commitment. He outlines a strategy for countering the negative, critical mind, a comprehensive practice that includes determined refl...