Podcast – Tisarana Buddhist Monastery

Podcast – Tisarana Buddhist Monastery

Latest Episodes

A Mind That’s Not Suffering
December 13, 2019

Venerable Khemako gives a guided medition, and follows by offering some Dhamma reflections. He addresses the fundamentals of the Buddhist path, namely the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path, and the primacy of reducing mental suffering.

Strengthening the Capacity to be Aware
December 06, 2019

Ajahn Viradhammo describes the path of practice to participants of the Ottawa Buddhist Society’s Day of Mindfulness, pointing out how our experience is better understood through verbs rather than nouns. He follows with a guided loving-kindness meditat...

Skillful Uses of Time for Long-term Happiness
November 29, 2019

Tan Khemako uses the simile of training a horse as a way to explain the training of the mind to be skillful, step by step. He explains how to find pleasure in doing things that give long-term benefits. (Talk recorded at Tisarana on 2 November 2018.

Establishing the Unestablished
November 22, 2019

Ajahn Viradhammo explains how to come to the Awakend Mind by establishing the appropriate supports, illustrating how our behavior and thinking patterns condition our minds. He goes on to describe the nature of clinging and what happens when we free our...

The Response Robot
November 15, 2019

Tan Khemako answers a question about how do deal with obsessive thoughts and confusion, through mindfulness and investigation. He discusses how the training brings intentions to the surface, so that we can consciously set good intentions leading to des...

Don’t Confuse the Methods with the Goal
November 08, 2019

Ajahn Viradhammo discusses how the methods or practices of Buddhism such as metta practice or morality often get taken up as goals in and of themselves. Although these practices can be reflective tools for deep peace,

Deep Peace Through Witnessing Suffering
October 25, 2019

On Thanksgiving weekend, Ajahn Viradhammo reflects on the cultural formats that support monastic practice. He reflects that beauty of the harvest moon can make the mind stop and experience deep peace. With an emphasis on composed awareness rather than...

The Vinaya and Sexual Restraint
October 18, 2019

Venerable Khemako offers reflections on the Vinaya, the Buddha’s prescribed code of conduct for monastics, and how it relates to the Dhamma and ultimate liberation. He points out how sensual and sexual restraint are the very foundation for true success...

Timeless Practise
October 11, 2019

Tan Khemako explains that everything that we can experience happens in the present moment, whereas the past and the future are merely mental representations. He shows how investigating the mind in the present moment is the way out of dukkha.

Awakening the Heart to Purity
October 04, 2019

At a Saturday afternoon public meditation session, Ajahn Khemasiri explains the purposes and benefits of meditation. He notes that cultivating an understanding of how our minds work can be very helpful in providing a sense of calm and peace.