Podcast – Tisarana Buddhist Monastery

Podcast – Tisarana Buddhist Monastery

Latest Episodes

Faith: The Grounds for Your Personal Monastery
April 26, 2018

Addressing the universal need to find meaning, Ajahn Sucitto describes how faith and wisdom work together in this search to set us free. He encourages the group, upon leaving the supports of the monastery structures and routines,

Transpersonal: The Place of Don’t Have To
April 20, 2018

Ajahn Sucitto describes how our efforts to be good and “get it right” tend to come from a constricting place. Such efforts are accompanied by self-consciousness, criticism and stress which block access to the innate good qualities of our own heart.

Relying on Your Gut Intelligence
April 13, 2018

In this morning talk, Ajahn Sucitto points to a gut intelligence we all have that can be relied on to save us from the thinking mind. The thinking mind creates suffering. Our embodied (gut) intelligence is a saviour,

What Makes a Sangha Thrive
April 06, 2018

Ajahn Viradhammo compares a healthy Sangha to a living organism. For it to flourish, members cooperate through skillful observation of each other’s needs, and find a healthy balance between solitude and community.

Q&A: Speaking to the Silence
March 30, 2018

Ajahn Sucitto answers questions about re-entering mundane life after a retreat, allowing space into our practice and daily life, the relationship between drawing and meditation, and dealing with a sense of density during meditation.

Pushing the Door that’s Already Open
March 23, 2018

Ajahn Sucitto begins the talk by explaining the reason behind re-establishing ritual contact on Lunar Observance day, then moves on to describing our two fundamental needs, safety and warm affection. Trying to fulfill these needs through the mind that ...

The Joy of Undoing the Meditator
March 16, 2018

Tan Cunda draws on an episode from his life as a new monk to explore the benefits of kindness towards oneself as a way of uncovering the joy of practice. This kindness can be extended to ourselves when we allow the meditator to stop the meditation proj...

When You Stick Your Neck Out
March 09, 2018

On the occasion of the arrival of the large new Buddha Rupa (statue), Ajahn Viradhammo talks about taking personal and societal risks and responsibilities, and how this allows one to work with fear. (Talk given at Tisarana on 12 Jan 2017.

Ironing out the Waves of the Ocean: Q & A
March 02, 2018

Ajahn Sucitto answers questions on practising “spirituality”, sankharas, consciousness, cessation, and choiceless awareness. (Talk given at Tisarana on 12-Jan-2017. Duration = 39:42) … Read the rest

A User’s Guide to Making Determinations
February 23, 2018

Ajahn Viradhammo suggests that we make determinations inspired by wisdom as opposed to making determinations based on athleticism, endeavour and blind will power. (Talk given at Tisarana on 11-Jan-2017. Duration = 35:18) … Read the rest