Podcast – Tisarana Buddhist Monastery

Podcast – Tisarana Buddhist Monastery

Latest Episodes

Decisions, Choices and Firm Determination
February 16, 2018

Ajahn VIradhammo offers reflection: “Having made the decision to observe the arising and cessation of resistance, we should make our choices accordingly and determine to abide by them. Wisdom informs effort, effort informs action,

Guided Meditation: Standing
February 09, 2018

Ajahn Sucitto guides meditators in a one-hour standing meditation. (Talk given at Tisarana on 10-Jan-2017. Duration = 59:38) … Read the rest

Guided Meditation: Beyond Observing Resistance
February 02, 2018

“One step beyond observing sensations is observing the resistance that arises from sensations.”  Ajahn Viradhammo guides meditators in separating discomfort from resistance to discomfort, and in observing the energy and changing nature of resistance it...

Real Peace, or What Happens when Change Stops Changing
January 26, 2018

Ajahn Viradhammo explains how real peace goes beyond physical or emotional happiness. Real peace comes from experiencing the vicissitudes of life from a position of awareness: by observing change in conditioned things,

Guided Meditation: Focus on the Outbreath
January 19, 2018

Ajahn Viradhammo instructs the meditators to use the out-breath in order to bring vitality to one’s posture and to observe one’s hands and eyes at the end of the out-breath, all the while maintaining the head in awareness.

Ajahn Chah Memorial Day – The Lotus and the Tumbleweed
January 16, 2018

Ajahn Sucitto reminisces about Ajahn Chah’s predilection for the unplanned as well as his ability to perceive exactly what the present moment required. Being grounded in the present, says Ajahn Sucitto, is like watching a lotus,

A Million and One Ways to Wisdom
January 12, 2018

Ajahn Viradhammo explores the different ways in which we can adapt our meditation technique to our present disposition. He explains how to maintain a vigorous posture by locking the Hara, and how to practice yoga Nidra. For dullness,

Guided Meditation on the Breath and Body Scan
January 10, 2018

Ajahn Viradhammo gives an overview of using the themes of dukkha, anicca, anatta to frame experience and encourage non-grasping. Included is a complete guided meditation on posture, breath and body scan. (Talk given at Tisarana on 07-Jan-2017.

Christmas Shopping & the Brahmaviharas
November 19, 2017

Ajahn Viradhammo talks about how Christmas, a season of goodwill and cheer can turn into a daunting time of expectations and stress and emphasizes using the Brahmaviharas as vehicles to promote goodwill while facing adversity and our own defilements.

What’s the Point?
November 12, 2017

Ajahn Viradhammo explores the meditation theme, Nibbana. He helps us understand how to use the subtle theme of peace as an object of meditation.… Read the rest