Podcast – Tisarana Buddhist Monastery

Podcast – Tisarana Buddhist Monastery

Latest Episodes

Good Will Fetters
July 27, 2018

Practitioners sometimes run into periods of time where difficult emotions and states can overwhelm the mind. Unfortunately, perfectionism and idealism can undermine our ability to skillfully relating to these states.

Stomach Aches Belong But Make Sure You Throw Out the Old Daal
July 27, 2018

Ajahn Viradhammo recently returned from an inspiring trip to the west coast of Canada and the United States. He recollects a beautiful teaching he received on the beauty that comes from keeping precepts. Buddhist ethics doesn’t require us feel or not f...

We Can Still Train Our Minds
July 20, 2018

Tan Khemako offers a reflection on effort to a small but dedicated group of practitioners on a hot, sunny afternoon at Tisarana. Even amidst difficult conditions, there can be progress in training our minds if we’re willing to be persistent and reflect...

Tea Time with Ajahn Amaro
July 20, 2018

Many interesting and relevant topics concerning our modern world were discussed during tea time with Ajahn Viradhammo and Ajahn Amaro. Ajahn Amaro visited Tisarana for ten days last May. Ajahn Amaro,was asked how he handles being the abbot of such a la...

The Crucible
July 11, 2018

On the New Moon night of May, Luang Por Viradhammo presides over the ordination of Anagarikas Lancelot and William. After an inspiring ceremony, Tahn Ajahn Amaro offers advice to Tisarana’s two newest sangha members on using the outer conventions of sh...

Truth Beyond Happiness and Dukkha
May 25, 2018

Ajahn Sucitto describes how the pursuit of certainty and comfort acts as a barrier to the deep discharge of the pain of being. Discharge becomes available through allowing and handling the weight and intensities of unresolved dukkha.

Offering & Receiving: Training in the Relational Domain
May 18, 2018

Ajahn Sucitto reflects on how ways of relating at the monastery provide training for accessing the true place of citta. In the monastery we are encouraged to get beyond self-views of “have to”, “is it good enough” and “am I worthy” so the deeper qualit...

Non-attachment versus Non-preoccupation
May 11, 2018

Ajahn V. discusses how the term ‘non-preoccupation’ can be a useful way to talk about non-attachment, and the importance of noticing presence, noticing awareness, and noticing change. (Talk given in Toronto at the annual retreat on 06-May-2017.

Three Perceptions to Cultivate in Practice
May 04, 2018

Ajahn Viradhammo describes a story in the Buddha’s life to remind us why we practice. He discusses the Buddhist perspective about the relationship between the conditioned and the unconditioned in the spiritual practice.

If You Grow Good Fruit, Eat It!
April 27, 2018

Ajahn Sucitto responds to a question about dana parami, describing the gift of safety that can be provided by keeping precepts and sustaining open awareness. He reminds us that in the field of dana we are also in a position to receive generosity,