In the Arena

In the Arena

Latest Episodes

Be Less Busy and More Productive
June 18, 2018

There is a difference between buys and being productive. There are only two things that make you productive in sales, one is opportunity creation, and the other is opportunity capture. This episode of In the Arena is sponsored by

Be Less Busy and More Productive
June 18, 2018

There is a difference between busy and being productive. There are only two things that make you productive in sales, one is opportunity creation, and the other is opportunity capture. This episode of In the Arena is sponsored by

Go On the Offensive
June 17, 2018

The way to get off of your back foot is to change your posture. It’s to take the role of White in the game of chess. It’s to move first and cause your competition to respond to you, instead of the other way around.

How You See the World
June 16, 2018

What it is that you look for will determine the quality of your life and your experience, making it dangerous to look for only the negative in the world.

Tom Peters on How Moral Management Can Change The World – Episode #109
May 25, 2018

The phrase “moral management” may not be one you’ve heard much in the context of your business or sales career, but it’s a concept that leadership legend Tom Peters is emphasizing more often these days. He’s come to believe that one of the best opportu...

Dan Pink: Productivity Improvement Techniques, Chronotypes, and Napucinnos – Episode #108
May 04, 2018

Dan Pink is not a guy who normally would come to mind when you begin thinking about a person who can teach you productivity improvement techniques. But given that Dan is committed to a research-based approach to his writing,

How to Develop Greater Influence in the Sales Process by Being a Go Giver Influencer, with Bob Burg – Episode #107
April 27, 2018

What sales professional in their right mind would NOT like to have greater influence over buyers during the sales process? It’s an ability we all need to have. But greater influence comes at a cost, and it’s a cost that’s not typically about sales tech...

Steve Bryerton: How To Get 95% Accurate Sales Intelligence, Every Time – Episode #106
March 23, 2018

The data we refer to as “sales intelligence” is one of the most frustrating necessities for sales teams. It’s information you have to have in order to do your job effectively, but it can be a Catch 22. You can only be as effective as the data you have,...

Deb Calvert on How Truly Meaningful Sales Connections Happen Through Leadership  – Episode #105
March 09, 2018

Every seller wants to have meaningful sales connections with their buyers, but it's clear from the way sales is traditionally done that very few sellers really know how to pull it off. Deb Calvert has written a new book,

Cat Hoke: Transforming Hustlers Into Entrepreneurs – Episode #104
February 27, 2018

There’s only one difference between the hustlers in prisons across the world and you and me… they got caught breaking the law. That probably sounds like an overly dramatic statement to most readers of this blog, but the truth is that it’s the truth.
