The Russian Empire History Podcast

The Russian Empire History Podcast

Latest Episodes

1.41 - Yaroslav the Wise
October 16, 2023

As the last brother standing, Yaroslav has finally become the sole ruler of Rus. What will he do now?

1.40 - The Vladimirovichi
September 23, 2023

Vladimirs death plunges Rus into chaos as his sons fight over the succession.

1.39 Vladimir the Great IV - Building Rus
September 10, 2023

This episode looks at Vladimirs reign from the baptism of Rus until his death. Did he manage to do anything else noteworthy?

1.38 Vladimir the Great III - The Baptism of Rus
August 26, 2023

What happened at the baptism of Rus, and inventing St. Vladimir/Volodymyr from the Tale of Bygone Years to Vladimir Putin.

1.37 Vladimir the Great Part II - Sacrifices and Choices
July 29, 2023

Vladimir continues to expand his territory and to consider the role of religion in his kingdom.

1.36 - Vladimir the Great Part I - the Rise to Power
July 08, 2023

The death of Svyatoslav found Rus unprepared for the succession. The three sons he left in charge of Kyiv, the Drevlians, and Novgorod, soon turn to fighting among themselves.

1.35 - Imaginary Khazars Part III - New Khazaria
June 24, 2023

In the late Soviet period and in post-Soviet Russia, Lev Gumilevs passionary theory of ethnogenesis and pseudo-historical ideas of a Jewish-Khazar chimera gained enormous popularity, leading to elaborate conspiracy theories of shadowy forces behind conte

1.34 Imaginary Khazars Part II: Gumilev’s Chimera
June 07, 2023

Vladimir Putin says he believes in the passionary theory. What does he mean, and where do the Khazars come in?

1.33 Imaginary Khazars Part I: The Thirteenth Tribe
June 03, 2023

Part I of a short series looking at the Khazars after the fall of Khazaria. Was there a connection between the Khazars and East European Jews?

1.32 - Svyatoslav “the Brave"
April 28, 2023

In this episode, we look at the first Rus ruler with a Slavic name, but a not so Slavic personal style. If it wasnt for those treacherous Byzantines, things could have turned out very differently...