The M Word - Marketing, Meaning + What Matters

The M Word - Marketing, Meaning + What Matters

Episode 12: How to Play Social Media’s Long Game

August 26, 2021

Karlyn is the founder of Oh Snap! Social and creator of the Fan Firestarter Framework, a new approach to social media marketing made specifically for businesses “tempted to fake their own death and flee to Tahiti at the mere thought of content creation.” Karlyn developed her user-friendly strategy after working for a decade with a variety of brick and mortar businesses who were decidedly social allergic, as she calls it, not because they didn’t want to do social media, but because they were intimidated by it. In response, her new system helps newbies get on the fast track to “unsucking their social media” in just one hour per week.
Connect with our guest, Karlyn on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn.
Full transcript below:
Jennifer Mulchandani: [00:00:00] Hello, and welcome to The M Word. My name is Jennifer.
Heather Myklegard: [00:00:03] And I’m Heather.
Jennifer Mulchandani: [00:00:04] And today we’re talking to Karlyn Ankrom with Oh Snap! Social. Karlyn is the founder of Oh Snap! Social and creator of the Fan Firestarter Framework, say that 10 times fast. It is a new approach to social media marketing. Karlyn developed her user-friendly strategy after working for a decade with a variety of brick and mortar businesses who were decidedly social allergic, as she calls it. Not because they don’t want to do social media, but because they were intimidated by it.
In her response her new system helps newbies get on the fast track to unsucking their social media in just one hour per week. Thanks for being here, Karlyn. I’m excited to hear all about what this Fan Firestarter Framework is!
Karlyn Ankrom: [00:00:45] Thanks for having me. I’m excited to be chatting with some friends. This is awesome.
Jennifer Mulchandani: [00:00:50] Yeah, we agree, and we’re really glad you’re here.
How about to set the stage since not everybody knows you, like we do. Tell us a little bit about yourself, your background in marketing, and how long you’ve had your business.
Karlyn Ankrom: [00:01:01] Yeah. So it’s a long story. I think like many of our kind of founding stories, but really to keep it short and sweet and simple. I started, Oh Snap! Social about seven years ago, as a side hustle. Like many of us did, I was working full time for an agency. It was a branding and management agency in the area.
And, I worked for several startups before that and developing social media strategies from scratch. And when I was in this agency, I was learning a ton about systems and SOPs, and just how to develop a framework around how to run a business. I always knew I wanted to own my own business and I was a little gun shy at first, I was like, can I really do this? Is this something that I have the courage to take that leap? I hired a business coach, she gave me the knowledge and tools to put in my two weeks notice, and I did. I took, Oh Snap! Social after, for five years as a side hustle, full time for myself, and I’m about to hit three years, which is insane, in July of 2021. So, that has been my journey with Oh Snap!.
Before that I have a journalism degree, I’ve always loved writing. I was like the 10-year-old kid that was filling up composition notebooks, like of all their ten-year-old thoughts, which I thought were genius. I found them a few weeks ago when my mom was weeding out her house.
And it was just a lot of going to the pool and hanging out with my friends is what was captured on that. But I made it a thing every single night to write in my journal and talk about my day and record my adventures. And now, like social media is doing that for businesses,
