The Big Schmear

Latest Episodes
Recovered Voices
I'm so glad to have you along for this episode of The Big Schmear. My guest today, Jeanne Golan, is not only a special friend but also a wonderful pianist. And it's because of her playing that I have invited her to be my guest. This episode is in commemor
Jewish Flavours of Italy
The Inside Story: Judaica at the MFA, Boston
Its still fall! New England is in that in-between time; beautiful sunny days with temps going back and forth between unseasonably warm and yikes, it really will be winter soon.Its on the gonna get colder days that I think about my recent times at the
Loaves of Torah: Exploring the Jewish Year through Challah
Happy New Year!I hope your New Year celebration was meaningful and joyous. I'm looking forward to all the audio adventures we will be on together in 5785. I already have great guests on-board with stories to share that I know you'll enjoy. This brings
Exploring Israeli Cinema
The Big Schmear is back and I'm happy to have you all here! I've had some time to think about the relevance of The Big Schmear while on a break and it's pretty clear to me that Jewish food continues to be a great connector for us all. And I plan to cont
Yidstock 2022
I'm on the campus of Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts. Through my conversation with Lisa Newman and Seth Rogovoy you'll learn about the Yiddish Book Center and Yidstock, The Festival of New Yiddish Music. I hope you enjoy this taste of Yiddish
The Everything Spice for Everyone
Guest: Chef Laura Frankel Need to spice up your meals? Here's an easy fix that can be used as your new basic 'everything spice' to change up, well everything: fish, chicken, french's limitless and so easy. And we have some recipes to share too
No Guilt Gelt – Just in Time for Hanukkah
Guest: Cheryl Rich Heisler If you are in the mood for fun this Hanukkah then you have to give this episode a listen. Helpful note: you may want to have your own cocktail at the ready. I've invited back mixologist Cheryl Rich Heisler to talk about cock...
Jews & Thanksgiving
Guest: Dr. Beth S. Wenger I decided to push the envelope a bit on this Thanksgiving holiday episode. I knew everyone would be stressed with holiday plans, menus and figuring out ways to celebrate the holiday despite all the compromises to put in place ...
Woops…Avoiding Missteps in the Kitchen
Guest: Chef Laura Frankel Talking about kitchen safety isn't the sexiest of topics but I thought it would be a great review for all of us as we embark on holiday cooking - whatever that's going to look like this year.