Upright Health
Latest Episodes
#33 – Do you REALLY need to meditate?
What is meditation? Is it worth the time? In this episode we discuss what meditation is and isn’t. The conversation provides insights about how meditation can improve exercise, stress, anger, and more. Meditation is an incredibly valuable practice to i...
#32 – Blowing up back pain B.S. with Cathryn Jakobson Ramin
Do stem cell or PRP injections work for back pain? What do X-rays and MRIs really mean for your spine? What can you do to get out of chronic back pain? Find out from investigative journalist and author of Crooked: Outwitting the Back Pain Industry and ...
#31 – Do surgeons lie?
Surgeons often make optimistic claims about their surgeries – in spite of evidence to the contrary. Do these doctors lie? Are they regularly lying about surgery results? Or is something else at play? Find out what’s at the heart of this problem.
#30 – What is the purpose of pain?
What is the purpose of pain? If you have chronic hip, back, or shoulder pain, what does the pain really mean? Does it mean you’ve got permanent damage of some kind? How can you use and think about pain in a way that gets you back to enjoying your lif...
#29 – The message you aren’t hearing from your doctor
Chronic pain sufferers often get conflicting information from doctors and other experts. One doctor tells you this surgery is the best. Another says this one is better. Another says none of them will help. Another doctor tells you this pill will solve ...
#28 – The Secret History of Joint Pain
Why does the medical system seem to be surgery-happy? Why do even physical therapists seem to think surgery is the only option for some kinds of joint pain? In this episode, we’ll look at the history and systemic issues that infuse the medical system w...
Episode 27 – What’s new with painkillers?
In today’s episode, Matt talks about news of opioid painkillers and what the history of opioid prescription means for you and your body. Resources: FDA requires strong new safety warnings for opioids Opioids for chronic pain video mentioned in this epi...
Episode 27 – What’s new with painkillers?
In today’s episode, Matt talks about news of opioid painkillers and what the history of opioid prescription means for you and your body. Resources: FDA requires strong new safety warnings for opioids Opioids for chronic pain video mentioned in this epi...
#27 – What’s new with painkillers?
In today’s episode, Matt talks about news of opioid painkillers and what the history of opioid prescription means for you and your body. Resources: FDA requires strong new safety warnings for opioids Opioids for chronic pain video mentioned in this epi...
Episode 26 – Think about your muscles
In today’s episode, Matt lays out the risks and rewards of thinking about muscles instead of focusing on problems inside your joints. TRANSCRIPT: Hey everybody, it’s Matt Hsu from Upright Health and welcome to episode twenty six of the Upright Health P...