The Money Advantage Podcast

The Money Advantage Podcast

Becoming Your Own Banker, Part 16: Controlling the Banking Function

November 27, 2023

Prepare to elevate your financial game as we unravel the infinite secrets in Nelson Nash's Infinite Banking concept. Promise yourself a brighter financial future armed with the knowledge of how you can start controlling the banking function in your life, maximizing your cash value, and creating a lasting legacy.

We’ll reveal how to strategically capitalize your banking system so that you can experience the power of Infinite Banking in your life and legacy. Dividend-paying life insurance makes everything you’re already doing in your financial life better—financing, income, saving, investing, and leaving a legacy. That’s because you gain a banking system that produces compounding interest and dividends that you can use in various ways.  

As we navigate through Nash's infinite banking concept, we shed light on taxable income and financing in banking. We break down how this concept can be used to finance significant purchases, using a logging truck as a case study. We also offer valuable tips for success in business, reminding you that understanding the perspective behind the words is pivotal to applying the Infinite Banking concept in various financial scenarios. We're excited to share these insights and encourage you to consider booking a session with an advisor to fully leverage this concept. Let's together create an empowering financial future!

The bottom line is that capitalization drives your ability to reap the benefits. The more you capitalize, the greater your advantages.  How you capitalize and the methods you use are a matter that requires looking at your personal situation and playing your cards best, whatever hand you are dealt.

Controlling the Banking FunctionCapitalization is Key Other Ways to Capitalize an IBC PolicyHow Long Should You Capitalize? Book A Strategy Call

Controlling the Banking Function

When we talk about the Infinite Banking Concept, it's critical to understand that IBC refers to the banking function, not the asset you use (whole life insurance). So what does it mean to control the banking function? Controlling the banking function is about replacing the bankers in your life and, as the title of Nelson Nash's book suggests, becoming your own. You're NOT becoming the bank, however.

What it means to be the banker is to be in control of how you save, store, and invest your capital. You're in control of moving money and approving major financing, rather than relying on someone else to do it for you. And in order to control the banking function in your life, you have to have capital. That's where whole life insurance comes in.

Whole life insurance is an ideal place to store and grow your capital for many reasons, namely that you get to partake in safety, liquidity, and growth. Many assets only offer two of the three components, maximum. Controlling the banking function doesn't stop there, though. You've got to fund the asset, which Nelson also calls the capitalization phase. This is central to the Infinite Banking strategy.

Capitalization is Key 

[10:30] “The end conclusion of this chapter is that the most cash value and the most death benefit at the end of the policy–the way you get that–is to capitalize the most. And what you can do to capitalize the most is to pay all of your base premium and all of your paid-up additions stacked together…all the way out [for] as long as possible in the policy.”

Capitalization is how you build your capital, and you only do that through contributions. This is a big reason that cash value acts like a savings vehicle—because those premiums and PUAs contribute directly to cash value growth. The more you maximize your payments each year, the more capital you’ll build–now and later. 

So if you plan to use the living benefits of your whole life insurance, you’ve got to capitalize. You should want to pay as much money as possible because that’s going to create the foundation for your...