The Better Behavior Show with Dr. Nicole Beurkens

The Better Behavior Show with Dr. Nicole Beurkens

Latest Episodes

Episode 169: How to Help Your Child Move Beyond Explosive Reactions and Crisis Mode
November 03, 2021

My guest this week is Raun K. Kaufman, Autism thought leader and co-creator of the Autism Crisis Turnaround Protocol, author of the book Autism Breakthrough, the former CEO of Autism Treatment Center

Episode 168 Q&A: What To Do About Bed Wetting - So Your Child Can Stay Dry At Night
November 01, 2021

This weeks question is from Sarah, “I am struggling with how to handle nightly bedwetting with my six-year-old son. He was day-trained around three and a half years old, and that went quite well, but

Episode 167: Answers to Anorexia—Personalized Care for a Brain-Based Illness
October 27, 2021

My guest this week is Dr. James Greenblatt, he is a pioneer in the field of functional integrative medicine, a board-certified child and adult psychiatrist, and has treated patients since 1988. He rec

Episode 166 Q&A: How To Advocate For Your Child When School Accommodations Aren’t Being Met
October 25, 2021

This week’s question is from Amy, “I need help understanding the purpose of carpet time in the elementary school setting. My son has ADHD and sensory processing disorder and struggles with carpet time

Episode 165: How to Use Breathwork to Lower Stress and Anxiety in Kids
October 20, 2021

My guest this week is Campbell Will, a physical therapist and breathwork specialist from Australia, who works around the world, introducing people to the power of the breath. He's worked in a variety

Episode 164 Q&A: How to Handle Negative Feelings Towards Your Children
October 18, 2021

This weeks question is from Neerja, “Can you help me with how to handle negative thoughts about my child? I'm getting very frustrated and tired of dealing with his challenges. I often think negatively

Episode 163: How To Prepare Kids For Life Beyond High School - College, Workforce & Other Alternatives
October 13, 2021

My guests this week are Cindy Muchnick and Jen Curtis. Here is a little bit about each of their backgrounds. Cindy Muchnick is a graduate of Stanford University and has been working in education for t

Episode 162: How To Inspire Healthy Eating For Teenagers And Kids
October 11, 2021

This weeks question is from Meg, “I am needing advice for how to handle nutrition and eating with my 13-year-old daughter. She's got anxiety and attention issues, and we've known for a long time that

Episode 161: Why "Unschooling" Could Be The Right Educational Style For Your Child
October 06, 2021

My guest this week is Iris Chen, she's an , unschooling mom, deconstructing tiger parent, and founder of theuntigering movement. As an advocate for peaceful parenting and educational freedom for child

Episode 160 Q&A: 5 Key Food Strategies to Improve ADHD and Behavior Challenges
October 04, 2021

This weeks question is from Monica, “My seven-year-old son has been diagnosed with ADHD, and I do recognize that the diagnosis describes the symptoms he has: poor attention, especially in school, prob