The Better Behavior Show with Dr. Nicole Beurkens

The Better Behavior Show with Dr. Nicole Beurkens

Latest Episodes

Episode 159: Movement and Fun Can Help The Brain Focus, Learn, and Retain Better
September 29, 2021

My guest this week is Trent McEntire. For more than two decades, he's been helping people gain back their mobility, a story that he knows well. Born with a mild form of cerebral palsy, Trent experienc

Episode Q&A 158:How to Handle Tantrums: Strategies for Parents and Children
September 27, 2021

This weeks question is from Nicole, “I have an almost-four-year-old daughter who has started having major tantrums. She hasn't had behavior issues like this previously, or at least outbursts to this l

Episode 157: How To Help Kids On The Autism Spectrum Build On Their Strengths And Interests
September 22, 2021

My guests this week are Dr. Temple Grandin and Dr. Debra Moore. Here is a bit about them: Dr. Temple Grandin is a Professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University. She had no language until ag

Episode 56 Q&A: How to Handle Crying, Running Away, and Low Frustration Tolerance at School
September 20, 2021

This weeks question is from Carla, “I have a student who gives up and runs away or cries if he doesn't win a game, or if a task is too difficult for him. His parents separated a year ago, and he suppr

Episode 155: Why You Might Want To Consider Homeschooling For 90 Minutes A Day
September 15, 2021

My guest this week is Kelly Edwards, She's the creator of the 90-Minute School Day, a lifestyle approach to education. The 90-Minute School Day method connects children with learning in their natural

Episode 154 Q&A: What To Do When Multiple Diagnoses and Treatments Don't Lead to Solutions
September 13, 2021

This weeks question is from Mark and Josie: “Our son has had challenges since he was an infant. He has never slept well, he's a fairly picky eater, easily upset, and has no frustration tolerance. His

Episode 153: How to Handle Siblings Fighting and Drama
September 08, 2021

My guest this week is Dr. Dawn Huebner. She is a psychologist, parent coach, and the author of 10 books for children, including perennial bestsellers What To Do When You Worry Too Much and Outsmarting

Episode 152 Q&A: What To Do When A Child Is Constantly Interrupting You (and Becomes Aggressive)
September 06, 2021

This weeks question is from Nana, “My four-year-old daughter hits, climbs on people's bodies, screams, and does all kinds of physical behavior when she wants my attention. This happens whenever I'm ta

Episode 151: Using PLAY (for all ages) to Make Parenting Easier
September 01, 2021

My guest this week is Sarah Moore, the founder of Dandelion Seeds, Positive Parenting. She is a certified Gentle Parenting Coach and has worked directly with some of the world's most respected psychol

Episode 150 Q&A: How to Stop my Child from Hitting, Biting, and Pinching
August 30, 2021

This weeks question is from Hazel, “How do I react and respond when my child is biting me and other family members when he gets upset? Sometimes he hits or pinches us really hard. It's typically when