The Better Behavior Show with Dr. Nicole Beurkens

The Better Behavior Show with Dr. Nicole Beurkens

Latest Episodes

Episode 182 Q&A: What Are The Pros And Cons to Consider When Buying Your Child Their First Smartphone?
December 20, 2021

This weeks question is from Priscilla, “I have two daughters, ages 9 and 12, and both are begging to get an iPhone for Christmas this year. My husband and I have somewhat different opinions on this. I

Episode 181: How Trauma Impacts Brain Development & Brain Function in Children
December 15, 2021

My guest this week is Robyn Gobbel In this episode, Robyn and I discuss how trauma impacts brain development and brain function in kids.  We talk about what trauma can mean, from big T to little t, ho

Episode 180 Q&A: Why Do My Kids Behave at School but Meltdown at Home?
December 13, 2021

This weeks question is from Tiffany, “I’m really struggling with managing my two kids in the after-school time period. My nine-year-old has autism and his teachers tell me he does fine in school, but

Episode 179: Practical Tips For Slowly Reducing Sugar and Junk Food From Your Family’s Diet
December 08, 2021

My guest this week is Dr. Natasha Beck In this episode, Dr. Beck and I discuss some of the biggest offenders in terms of nutrition, food for kids, and how it impacts their brain function. As we are co

Episode 178 Q&A: How to Effectively Handle Meltdowns, Tantrums, and Challenging Behavior (Without Making it Worse)
December 06, 2021

This weeks question is from Marcus, “I need ideas for how to manage meltdowns with my son who is seven years old. He is autistic and also has a history of trauma and has been given lots of other label

Episode 177: Setting These Boundaries Will Help You Avoid Parental Burnout
December 01, 2021

My guest this week is Dr. Kim Swales In this episode, Dr. Kim and I have a candid conversation about all things life— We discuss tips on co-parenting and setting boundaries, partnerships, obligations,

Episode 175: Is Sleep Quality Causing Your Child’s Behavior & Health Issues?
November 23, 2021

My guest this week is Dr. Chris Winter In this episode, Dr. Chris and I discuss the importance of his new book, Learn more about the prevalence of sleep disorders in children, the detriment it has on

Episode 172: How Parents Can Support Their Own Sensory Processing Needs
November 15, 2021

This weeks question is from Carrie, “I really struggle with my own sensory needs when my kids get loud and upset, especially when it goes on for a while. I have auditory sensitivities, and I just feel

Episode 171: How Your Family Can Achieve Mindfulness, Gratitude, and Forgiveness with a Zen Pig
November 10, 2021

My guest this week is Mark Brown. Ever since winning a region-wide poetry contest in fourth grade, coastal Virginia native Mark Brown, has been orbiting the world of writing. After graduating with a d

Episode 170: Is It Appropriate To Discuss Your Mental Health With Your Child?
November 08, 2021

This weeks question is from Elena, “How do I talk to my child about my mental health issues? I struggle with depression and anxiety, both of which have been worse since the pandemic started. I know it