Take Action Q&A

Take Action Q&A

Latest Episodes

Q#19: Kent Sanders: How do I learn the art of completion?
July 18, 2014

Kent Sanders Discusses the Art of Completion Creative people normally suffer from one thing: boredom. It is common for creatives to lack the art of completion and to get bored of what they are doing. Lack of focus however can be resolved, and Kent Sand

Q#18: Anna Spady: I don't have a job. What can I do with my passion?
July 17, 2014

Starting Young in Building Your Future with Anna Spady Anna is not my typical expert. In fact, she is just a couple of years out of college but the reason that I have her on the show today is simple. I asked her what made her heart sing? Her response

Q#17: Ben Krueger: How can I get my audience to interact with me?
July 15, 2014

How do you convert an audience into an interactive community? Any Internet Marketer should know that traffic is useless until there is interaction and value added from both parties. And so, how do you exactly make your website into an effective lead panel

Q#16: Rye Taylor: Should I join a Mastermind Group?
July 11, 2014

Rye Taylor shares why you need to be a part of a Mastermind Group “Two heads are better than one.” Could that actually be quantified? Yes it can! “ It’s the unique combination of power that comes from working together and leveraging each other

Q#15: Sandy Donovan: As an entrepreneur how do I rekindle the marital fire when all I want is a nap?
July 10, 2014

Sandy Donovan Discusses How to Have Enough Time for your Family Marital problems are becoming more common as people seem so focused of becoming successful financially. In this episode, we will discuss a problem by one of the listeners of the show. Her

Q#14: Jim Palmer: Are Physical Newsletters Effective?
July 08, 2014

Jim Palmer shows us how to reach a larger client base and keep them coming back. We live in a digital world. Everything is becoming digital especially marketing, but Jim Palmer shows us the uniqueness and effectiveness of using a physical newsletter t

Q#13: Joel Boggess: I feel like I'm living someone else's life. What do I do?
July 04, 2014

Joel Boggess Helps you create a New Career and Life A lot of people don’t want to start at square one and would love to inherit a family business but Brad our listener isn’t one of them. He wants to take a different path and march to the beat of a

Q#12: Jessica Rhodes: How do I book A-List Guests for my Podcast?
July 02, 2014

Jessica Rhodes Helps you Book the Best People for your Podcast How do you book A-List guests to your podcast? Or better yet, do you have any chance of booking them for your show? In this podcast, we have Jessica Rhodes, the founder of Interview Connec

Q#11: Jenn Swanson: How do I reduce my workload and say "no" to more work pressures?
June 30, 2014

Learn to Say No to Office Pressures with Jenn Swanson With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it is easy to get trapped by your 9 to 5 job. Even with "work" complete for the day a lot of us are caught thinking about the office when we should be fo

Q#10: Steve De La Torre: What can I do to succeed in business and thrive in my health?
June 27, 2014

Learn to Inject Exercise in your Busy Schedule with Steve De La Torre Many of us can easily let go of exercising in the attempt to become richer and more successful in life. With a busy schedule, it is easy to convince yourself you don’t have time to